Chapter Six

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Can's POV

Tin: "What are you doing?"

I instantly jumped back and tripped causing me to fall on the floor

Can: "ouch!"'

Can: "I-I wasn't doing anything, I was just gonna wake you up"

He looked at me suspiciously

Tin: "yeah, right"

Tin: "did you bring the food?"

Can: "yeah, can I go now?"

Tin: "sure"

Can: "okay, I'm gonna get my coat-"

Tin: "how are you gonna get home?"

I was confused because it was obvious I was gonna go on the bus

Can: "on the bus"

Tin: "That's gonna take you roughly 2 hours so it'll be almost 1AM by then"

Can: "then I'll take a taxi" tin shook his head

Tin: "there's none at this hour"

Can: "........." I didn't know what else to say

Tin: "sit in the living room"

Can: "okay?"

I went down and waited for a couple minutes

Tin: "let's go"

I looked back and saw tin wearing a casual T-shirt, jeans and a long coat

Can: "What? Where? I need to get home"

Tin: "I'm taking you"

I was surprised by his action considering it was gonna be an hour drive to and back

Can: "why?"

Tin: "by the time you'll get off the bus it'll be dangerous"

Can: "I'm a man, I can defend myself hmp"

Tin: "nope, I'm not gonna be responsible if anything happens to you, so let's go"

I could notice by his tone that he was serious so I didn't bother arguing with him

I nodded and we started walking to his garage

Can: "woah~" he had like 10 different cars that were different colors and models

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Can: "woah~" he had like 10 different cars that were different colors and models

Tin: "What? You've never seen a nice car?" I narrowed my eyes

Can: "I've never seen it up close, not everyone is as rich as you FYI" as I said that he chuckled

Can: "What?"

Tin: "nothing, it's just that you look cute when you're mad"

'Uh, What'

Can: "w-what? I'm not cute! I'm manly"

Tin: "whatever you say, get in the car, the longer we talk, the later it gets"

We took a blue car and he started to drive towards my neighborhood

I couldn't help but think while I was in the car why he called me cute

'Maybe he's gone crazy? No, no that can't be it, he being too nice, it's so unusual'

We drove through my neighborhood and I directed him towards my house

When we arrived I saw my mom sitting at the bench

I got out the car while tin did the same

Can: "mom, why are you still up-"

Can's mom: "where were you?? I was getting worried"

Can: "I was out running some erra-"

Tin suddenly cut me off and walked next to me

Tin: "he was visiting me"

Tin: "Sorry that it took so long ma'am, I live a bit far from here"

Can's mom: "it's alright, as long as he's home"

My mom came closer and whispered to me

Can's mom: "honey, is this handsome boy your boyfriend?" Yet she said it a little too loud

Can: "What!?! Him!? Heck no, bleh! why would I date someone like him??"

As soon as I said that my mom smacked me across the back of my head

Can's mom: "can! Don't be so rude"

Can's mom: "sorry, he's immature sometimes"

Tin: "I've noticed."

With that tin walked back into his car

I noticed he didn't look back at me or even tell me bye but I was too tired to care

Can: "whatever, I'm sleepy"

I went inside my house to wash up and go to sleep


I looked at my phone as I was lying in my bed

12:09AM Mark: Hey can, about the event.....

12:10AM Can: what is it?

12:15AM Mark: it's gonna be an event for partners from my dad's company

12:16AM Can: ohh

12:16AM Mark: and I was wondering

12:17AM Can: ??

12:19AM Mark: if you could pretend to be my boyfriend/date

12:23AM Can: uhhh, that's a little....

12:23AM Mark: I'll take you to a nice restaurant next time to repay you

12:24AM Can: interstinggg, what type of restaurant?

12:24AM Mark: korean bbq?

12:24AM Can: ok! Count me in

12:27AM Mark: alright I'll send you the details,
Tuesday @9am, wear something formal and fitting, I'll pick you up at around 8:40am

12:28AM Can: alright!

12:30AM Mark: thanks can! I'll see you tomorrow during school

12:31AM Can: okay goodnight

12:31AM Mark: Goodnight! Sweet Dreams!✨

Can: "okay well, that's that"

After my conversation with mark I finally fell asleep

Thanks for reading!😘
update: I'm going to have to upload the chapters 1-2 times a week so I have enough time to revise them and actually upload them, I wrote all of them a while ago when I was barely starting to write so they're kinda bad🥶🥶I always go through each chapter I've written and cut out parts, add more, check grammar etc. so it takes a while to make sure they're good
As always thanks for taking time out of your day to read my writing❤️❤️I reallyyyy appreciate it😌✨ I also encourage you to read some of my other stories😭😅 but that being said Thank you to those who read my writing💚

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