Chapter Three

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I went home with a coffee stained shirt

Tin: "jesus he's so clumsy, he ruined my favorite shirt. It doesn't matter i'm gonna confront him tomorrow eithier way"

Tin: "but...looking back at it he looked pretty funny, freaking out like that, he looked sort of innocent" 'wait no, why am I even thinking about him? He doesn't mean anything to me'

I went to bed and decided to go up to him tomorrow

Next day

I went to class and waited for pete to get there

Pete: "hey tin" I loked at him but said nothing

After a couple minutes of silence I decided to ask him about can

Tin: "so........" he looked at me

Pete: "yes?"

Tin: "do you know where I could find that boy??"

Pete: "who?" I hesitated to say it thinking whether it was a good idea or not

Tin: "can"

Pete: "uh well i'm not really sure, he spends most of his time playing with his teammates in the field, so I think you should go there after school"

Tin: "alright, thank you"

3 hours later

After classes were finally done, I went to the other side of the school to find him

As soon as I walked into the field I could see can playing with the other thai program kids

Ae: "Wait! What are you doing here?" he ran behind me and stopped infront of me

Tin: "Move, I don't have any buisness with you"

Ae: "yes, you do"

Ae: "you're always trying to pressure pete into dating you and it's annoying"

Tin: "what, is it my fault that I'm better looking, I have more money and I own more things than a beggar like you?" I could see he was angry but I didn't care

Tin: "now, move" I pushed past him and went to find can

Ae: "You f*cker! You're lucky that an emergency came up, if not I would have beat your ass!" with that he started walking away

I walked to the field and went near can

Tin: "hey"

Can: "what do you want??" he asked, clearly agitated

Tin: "don't you remember? You owe me" he looked confused

Can: "I don't owe you anything so leave"

Tin: "then who was the guy that spilled $3 coffee on my $4,000 versace shirt?"

Can: "oh...right......"

Tin: "so? How are you gonna pay me?" I could see him grow uneasy

Tin: "I have an idea" he looked up at me as I headed closer

Can: "what?"

Tin: "you could.....satisfy me" I whispered into his ear
Can: "What the fu-" before can could finish someone landed a punch in my face

???: "you better lay the f*ck off right now, I don't care that you're a millionare and have all this money, that doesn't allow you to treat other people like sh*t" I looked up with a bloody nose

Can: "Techno...."

Techno: "let's go, and you, you better be lucky and pray that I don't see you hanging around him" can looked back at me then walked to the locked room with all his members

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now