Chapter Elleven

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Can's POV


'Oh my god.......Tin'

I was shocked at that moment because I knew how bad this situation looked and Tin came just at the wrong time

I pushed Mark away and looked at Tin

Can: "Tin, it's not what it looks like, trust me!" He was pissed off and looked ready to fight

Tin: "Oh really?? Then what is it? Because it looked like you were kissing him and didn't even refuse until I yelled."

Can: "I didn't even know he was gonna kiss me, I swear! I just froze until I heard you"

Can: "I just didn't want you to misunderstand what happened"

Tin: "Why would you even let him do that to you??"

Mark: "Because he knows being with me is better than being with you"

Tin: "shut the hell up, nobody is talking to you"

Tin gave mark a death glare but mark just smirked making it clear he didn't care

In that moment I was worried that tin would be more mad at me than Mark

Tin: "and you, I told you not to hang around him" His tone was serious and he looked at me with cold harsh eyes

I looked down not knowing what to do 'should I just leave or? no, what if they get into a fight?'

Mark: "you guys can't even communicate properly so why stay together"

Mark got closer and whispered in my ear

Mark: "Aren't you better off with me?"

Tin grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his side

Tin: "The hell is your problem? I'm not gonna keep arguing with you, stay away from can"

Mark: "and if I don't?"

Tin: "then you'll be sorry, you know how powerful my family is"

Mark: "Ha, really, they don't even consider real family"

Tin lunged at Mark but missed, meanwhile everyone was starting to watch and take videos

Mark: "you can't even aim right" Tin was furious and stabbed mark with his glare

'I have to do something'

Can: "Stop!! Tin just stop, please, you did the exact same thing last time"

Tin turned away and started walking away while holding my wrist

We got onto a quiet alley and stopped

Can: "T-tin, it hurts" he looked back at me

Tin: "Does it matter?"

Can: "what?"

Tin: "does that matter right now? It doesn't, I told you to stay away from mark but you clearly didn't listen and decided to do what you wanted"

Can: "He said it was the last time and to hear him out for just a couple minutes...."

Tin: "yeah, and you were stupid enough to believe him?"

Can: "I don't get why you're getting so mad at me, it wasn't like I knew this was gonna happen"

Tin: "but what pisses me off is that you didn't listen to the one thing I told you to do"

Can: "I didn't even know this was gonna happen! I after I met him it was gonna be the last time"

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now