Chapter Eighteen

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Can's POV

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I woke up and looked at my alarm

Can: "ughh I don't want to wake up" I turned around and was about to close my eyes until I realized Tin was gonna pick me up

Can: "I have to get ready" I checked my phone and didn't see a text message from tin so I decided to take a shower

20 mins later

I started to change into my uniform and just then tin texted me

8:17am Tin: Are you almost ready?

8:17am Can: I'm just changing

8:18am Tin: Okay I'm on my way, be there in a couple mins

I shut off my phone and went downstairs

Lay: "You ready to leave?"

Can: "today Tin is gonna pick me up"

Lay: "The day has barely started and you guys are already being love birds" she teased

Can: "We're not! He just wants to pick me up"

Lay: "ok ok, but he really seems like a nice person so don't mess it up"

Can: "I know" I got a message from tin and walked outside

Tin: "Hey"

Can: "Hi" he walked over and opened the car door for me

Tin: "did you sleep well last night?" I nodded

We started heading to school and he dropped me off at my side of the college

Can: "Bye, see you later" I got out the car and was gonna close the door when suddenly he stopped me

Tin: "Wait!" I looked at him

Can: "What?"

Tin: "What about my kiss?" I looked around

Can: "What if someone sees?"

Tin: "That's good"

Can: "How?"

Tin: "because then they'll know you belong to me" I started blushing

Tin: "please, just one~"

Can: "hmp fine"

I gave him a quick peck on the lips and then started walking to class

I finished my morning classes and went to lunch

I sat with Ae and Pete and started talking to them

Ae: "Can, are you going to Aidens party?"

Can: "yeah why?"

Pete: "We're gonna go too"

Can: "But Aiden told me you were gonna do something else"

Ae: "We were gonna meet my mom but she had to go to a job interview, and it's with a big company, so we postponed it to Sunday"

Pete: "And so you won't feel lonely"

Can: "Thanks guys!" Just then I felt someone sit next to me

Ae: "Aiden!"

Aiden: "What's up guys?"

Pete: "Just talking about the party tonight"

Ae: "What brings you over here?"

Aiden: "I just wanted to see this little bean"

I'm guessing he was referring to me because he looked at me and smiled

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now