Chapter Twelve

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Can's POV

Can: "Let's break up"

As soon as those words came out everything went silent

Tin froze and looked at me

Tin: "What?"

Can: "I-I said let's break up" when I repeated myself I saw tin's eyes go cold and hard

Can: "I-I'm sorry, I just don't know what I really feel for you and I feel like it's gonna be complicated because of how you are"

Tin: "so you're saying I'm the problem."

Can: "no, it's just that I don't think in the long run it'll work out"

He stood up from the chair

Tin: "So this is what you really want?" I looked up at him and there was an expression on his face I had never seen before, I could tell it was disappointment mixed with pain

I looked down and nodded

Tin: "Remember that you were the one to choose this."

He started walking away and I felt intense pain in my chest, it felt like I was becoming empty

Tin's POV

"Let's break up"

I don't know why but those words kept replaying in my head

I didn't know what to feel or what to do so I left

Tin: "I knew I shouldn't have trusted him, but in the end I couldn't help falling for him, it's all my fault"

My mind went back to when one of my closest friends betrayed me when I was in high school

Tin: "What's the point of trusting someone if they'll leave you in the end?"

I had these thoughts as I drove home

I made it to my house and walked in


I felt my phone vibrate, I looked at it and noticed it was a text

Pete: Hey

Tin: hey

Pete: Are you okay?

Tin: did he tell you?

Pete: Yeah, he did

Tin: well, no I'm not okay

Pete: I know he hurt you but understand him, he's confused about his feelings, he's never been in a relationship or even with a guy, he's just confused right now

Tin: why? What's the point?

Pete: Because you love him and he does too

Tin: if he loved me he wouldn't have broken up with me

Pete: he's confused, but believe me he loves you

I sighed and shut off my phone, I really didn't feel like talking to anyone

I went up to my room to take a nap

Can's POV

I went home and went to the living room

I picked up my phone and called techno

Techno: "hello?"

Can: "I did it"

Techno: "are you okay?"

Can: "I don't know"

Techno: "do you want to meet at the park?"

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now