Chaper Five

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Can's POV

I got a text that read 'You have 30 minutes to get here'

Can: "What the hell? How am I supposed to get there in 30 minutes?"

I looked at the fasted option that was 45 minutes

Can: "damn $55? Whatever I need to get my dad's job back"

With that I looked in my wallet and saw the money I was saving up for Lay's 17th birthday present

'it's fine I'll just find a part time job to make some money'

I went to the main road and looked around for a taxi

After a 5 minute wait I finally saw a taxi

Can: "hello, can you take me to West MerryWood hills?"

Taxi driver: "yeah kid, but it's gonna cost you"

Can: "how much?"

Taxi driver: "$65"

Can: "I thought it was $55?"

Taxi driver: "that's the usual rate but nobody takes taxis there plus it's getting late so this is gonna cost me more than it costs you, this is my best price, take it or leave it"

Can: "okay" I hesitated but I knew I needed to get the job back

After 20 minutes we started to head into a more suburban expensive looking area

Can: "woah"

Taxi driver: "surprising right? These homes cost around 3 million each"

Can: "who would buy a house for that much when you can spend it on food" the taxi driver chuckled

Taxi driver: "you remind me of my son, always talking about food, anyways who are you here to see? A friend? Family member?"

Can: "I wouldn't call him a friend he's just a guy that goes to the same uni as me"

Taxi driver: "ohh"

After 10 more minutes we finally stopped at a very expensive luxurious looking home

Taxi driver: "well, we're here" I hesitated once again but I took the money out and paid the driver

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Taxi driver: "well, we're here" I hesitated once again but I took the money out and paid the driver

Taxi driver: "good luck"

Can: "thanks, i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need it" I closed the car door and headed to the front of the house

I pressed the button since there were gates

He buzzed open the gates so I walked up to the door and went in

As soon as I walked in I saw tin laying on the couch

Can: "so? What did you need me for?" he didn't say anything or even look

Can: "hello? I asked you a question, If you don't need me i'm gonna leave-"

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now