Chapter TwentyOne

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~4 months later~

Can's POV

It was 6 months since the day we first started dating, we usually went somewhere nice every month but since it was starting to get cold and rainy where we live Tin planned a trip to go to phuket instead of staying in bangkok

Tin: "have you ever been on a plane?"

Can: "Um, no" I was honestly kind of scared since I've never actually been on a plane

Tin: "Why, are you scared?" he was expecting me to deny it like when he always teases me but I slowly nodded

Can: "K-Kind of"

Tin: "don't worry, you can hold my hand if it makes you less afraid" Tin smiled at me

He took my hand and held it tightly which gave me some relief from being worried

Tin: "Okay, Let's board the plane now" We placed our luggage at the conveior belt and headed towards the plane entrance

Since it was gonna be a almost 16 hour flight I started feeling sleepy

Tin: "It's okay if you want to take a nap"

Can: "Okay"

Tin: "Tell me if you want anything to eat, You can get as much as you want" I nodded and went to sleep

~12 hours later~

I woke up to the sound of girls talking loudly next to me

I saw 2 girls come up infront of Tin

Girl 1: "Omgg, Are you Tin?" tin nodded not amused

Girl 2: "Do you know who we are?" Tin shrugged

Girl: "Our parents own one of the companies that are close to your fathers"

Tin: "Okay and?"

Girl 1: "well...We were wondering if you had a girlfriend"

I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous but I couldn't help but feel intimidated, the girls were pretty and looked like they had a lot of money

'Honestly they would match better with tin....'

Just when I was thinking that Tin looked over at me and intertwined his fingers with mine

The girls looked visbly confused

Girl 2: "uhh, don't tell me that you're-"

Tin: "He's my boyfriend so get lost now" The girls were speechless and walked away 

Can: "Tin!" I was embarrassed

Tin: "What? They have to know I belong to you" He smiled innnocently making me blush even harder

Tin: "We're almost gonna land in around 2 hours so you should eat something, you've been sleeping for a while"

Can: "Okay" I looked through the menu and ordered 2 bowls of Pad thai, Rice, a bowl of chicken curry and a can of soda

Tin: "Is that it?" I nodded

Can: "What about you?"

Tin: "I'm not that hungry, I'll just get some ramen"

A couple hours later we finally landed

Tin: "We're here, since it's already 6pm let's check in to the villa and find a reastaurant, and tommorrow we'll walk around the market and see what else there is to do"

We walked to the Villa he rented and looked around

It was right infront of the ocean and was 2 floors with an infinity pool, I was shocked by how elegant it was

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now