Lay/Aiden side story

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Lay's POV

Can: "Are you going to my match today?"

Lay: "Yeah, I'll be there"

Can: "Okay get there at like 3:45"

Lay: "Just so you know I'm bringing Mae and Addy with me" Can nodded

Can: "Oh! Tin is here, see you in the afternoon"

Lay: "kay have a good day!"

I ate my sandwhich and started heading out

I went into the class and sat next to my friend Mae

Mae: "Hey girl"

Lay: "Hi"

Mae: "we're still going to your brother's match afterschool?"

Lay: "yeah"

Mae: "hmm, I've been meaning to ask you"

Lay: "About?"

Mae: "Is can single? I mean he's just so cute so I wanted to be his friend"

Lay: "He has a boyfriend already"

Mae: "aww I really liked him"

Lay: "haha girl you need to start focusing on your studies and stop focusing on boys"

Mae: "I know but there's so many cute and handsome guys here"

Lay: "I know, but I haven't even had a boyfriend yet and I'm almost 18 T.T"

Mae: "It's okay I'm sure you'll find someone soon, just wait"

Lay: "I hope so"

I finished all my classes and headed to can's college

Addy: "Do you think we'll see some cute college guys?"

Mae: "Hopefully, I kind of want to date a guy in college"

Lay: "omg is all you guys think about?" I playfully said

Mae: "Pretty much"

We entered the field and the match started shortly after

I heard my friends talking beside me but I wasn't that interested, I was more interested in the match

Mae: "why does that guy keep looking over here?"

Addy: "Who?"

Mae: "That guy over there"

I heard them and decided to look at the guy they were talking about

As soon as I looked the guy looked away and put his head down almost shyly

Mae: "he's really handsome"

Addy: "I know but it feels like he's looking in Lay's direction"

Mae: "oooh I think he likes her"

Lay: "what? No he doesn't I mean why would he?" I brushed it off but a couple of minutes later I remember about him and looked his way

At the same time he also looked and we made eye contact but this time he didn't turn away

We looked at eachother for 2 seconds and then he smiled at me

I quickly looked away embarrassed

Mae: "why is your face red like a tomato? Are you sick or something??"

I looked back in his direction but he wasn't looking anymore

Mae: "hmm? You're looking at the guy??"

Lay: "He smiled at me"

Addy: "Really?? Maybe he really does like you"

Lay: "I don't think so"

Mae: "girlll you have to have confidence!"

Lay: "umm, I'm okay"

Mae: "you know what? You should get his number"

Addy: "yeah you should, we'll help you if you want"

Lay: "I don't-" before I finished they were already walking towards him

Lay: "Wait! guys!" I stayed behind looking at them talking to him

They pointed and me and Mae gave her phone to him

I smiled and he smiled back

After a couple seconds or talking they started walking back

Mae: "Yup, he likes you"

Addy: "He said you're cute"

I blushed without knowing it

Mae: "From the looks of it you like him too, here's his number, I'll send it to you" I nodded

Since I've never had a boyfriend before I couldn't help but feel butterflies

I looked at him and he smiled at me tenderly, I couldn't help but admit he's cute

Hey guys! I decided to make this short story just so Aiden can end up with someone since he was so nice to Can. I'll upload chapter 21 in 1-2 days so wait for that to come out! There's 5-6 more episode of this story so I'll work on finishing them sooner to upload them every 2 days! Hope you had a good day today! Thanks for reading, stay safe and healthy! Love y'all 💙💚

 I'll upload chapter 21 in 1-2 days so wait for that to come out! There's 5-6 more episode of this story so I'll work on finishing them sooner to upload them every 2 days! Hope you had a good day today! Thanks for reading, stay safe and healthy! L...

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(I.M from Monsta X)

M from Monsta X)

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"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now