Chapter Ten

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Can's POV

Tin: "it means that you like me"

Can: "W-what? N-no it doesn't!"

Tin: "then why'd you kiss me back? And why is your face all red"

Can: "b-because it's a normal reaction, it doesn't mean I like you!"

'I don't know how to react to all of this, I've never dated anyone or even kissed anyone, I mean even though Tin is a jerk he's showed me sides of him I didn't even know existed and strangely it makes me want to get to know him better, but is it really love? Or do I like him as a friend, ugh!! I don't know but my brain hurts'

Tin: "okay, okay, I won't force you to do anything you don't want but eventually you'll have to fall for me although I believe you already have" I playfully hit him and he gave me a half smile

Tin: "Are you free tomorrow after school?"

I was taken aback at the sudden question

Can: "uh, I think I have practice but I'm not sure"

Tin: "okay, let me know"

Can: ".....alright"

Tin: "do you want to hang out or go home"

Can: "it's starting to get late and I don't want my mom to worry so I'll just go home"

Tin: "alright, let's go"

The drive took more time than usual because we took a longer road for some reason

We arrived at my house and I got out

I was about to close the door when Tin stopped me

Tin: "hmm? No kiss"


Can: "no and stop being so flirty" I felt my face warm once again

Tin: "why? Because you like it too much?"

Can: "n-no I don't, hmp" I closed the door and walked to the gate of my house

I looked back and saw tin waiting for me to leave

I quickly smiled at him and went in

Can's mom: "hi honey, how'd it go with mark? Did you have fun?"

Can: "yeah. Totally. It wasn't tiring at all" I was being sarcastic but I'm guessing she thought I was serious

Can's mom: "Well, I'm glad you had fun, I made some pasta and I left you some of the fridge"

Can: "thanks mom" I went in for a hug

Can's mom: "all of a sudden? You never do this"

Can: "I guess it really was a bit tiring today"

Can's mom: "go eat and then go to bed early, lay is out with her friends so she'll be late" I nodded and went to go get the food

40 mins later

I finished taking a shower and laid in my bed

My mind went to what happened today

Can: "ughhh! Why does he make me feel this way!?"

I kicked my blankets out of frustration

Can: "I really don't know, is my heart feeling this way just because he showed me affection and I like him as a friend or do I really like him?"

Can: "whatever, I'll just go to sleep"

I put the blanket over me and tried to go to sleep yet my mind played over and over the kiss with tin

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now