Chapter TwentyFive [Final Chapter]

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Can's POV

Tin: "Do you have everything packed up?"

It was our last day in phuket and we were getting everything together

Can: "yeah, can we go to the store to buy something to eat before?"

Tin: "Sure"

We left the villa and decided to go to a convenience store to buy some snacks

Can: "I'll pay"

Tin: "No, I'll pay, it's our last day so let me take care of it" I nodded

I got dried shrimp along with some savory snacks

Tin: "Let's head to the airport or we'll be late"

Can: "Okay"

We went on a long 10 hour flight so we decided to sleep

I was woken up by my phone buzzing, I looked down and saw it was a text from Lay

5:09pm Lay: Can mom said dad is able to come today

5:09pm Can: Wait really?

5:09pm Lay: yeah so you should talk to them as soon as you come home

5:10pm Can: I'm nervous

5:11pm Lay: It's okay, I'll back you up

5:11pm Can: Ok let me tell Tin

5:12pm Lay: Alright I'll just tell them you need to talk to them so it's not so sudden

5:12pm Can: Thanks

5:13pm Lay: Np :P

I looked at Tin beside me and gently moved him

Tin: "Hmm?" He woke up groggily being half asleep

Can: "I have to tell you something" He finally opened his eyes and looked at me

Tin: "What is it?"

Can: "We're gonna tell my parents today" He widened his eyes

Tin: "Um okay, uh should I change my clothes? Should I look more casual??" I could tell he was starting to freak out

Can: "You look okay, It's gonna be fine"

Tin: "you sure?"

Can: "I hope"

I really wanted things to go well, I feel like my mom is gonna be okay with it but my father is more conservative and strict on us so I don't know what he's gonna think

An hour later we got off the plane and started to head towards my house

Tin: "Are you nervous?"

Can: "Heck yeah"

Can: "but I hope it goes well" I sighed about having to tell my parents but I knew I had to, and It's better sooner than later

We arrived at my house and I felt my heart beating throught my chest

Can: "You ready?"

Tin: "Yeah" I took a deep breath and started walking towards the door

We knocked and my mom opened

Can's mom: "Oh! You guys are back" I smiled

Can: "Yeah....." I saw my dad sitting on the couch watching the TV

Can: "Um, mom"

Can's mom: "now that I remember, What did you need to talk to us about?"

Can: "Uh can we sit together? My dad too?"

"Heart of Stone" TinCan story/Fanfic [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now