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my hands find hers, holding it tight. she puts small kisses on my forehead while i place my head on her shoulder.

"wanna listen to something?" she askes as i nod. she takes her phone out and scrolled through her songs. 'put your head on my shoulder' starts playing.

we dont talk much, the silence we both hold was too precious. so much has happened in these years, and all the things we had to do just to be together.

"emma," she mumbles, in the smallest voice ever. "can you say it again?" her cheeks are heated.


"i l-love you." she mumbles, even quieter now.

"oh." i sigh. "i love you olivia rouyre, i really do." she smiles. i felt her cheeks curve on my forehead.

"we should do something before you have to go. time fades so quickly when im with you." she stands up as i lay down on the grass. i look up at her.

"what should we do though," i say finally. "there really isnt much to do. i wish we can be like normal teens, we can go out and like, i dont know, hang out, have dates like normal teens."

"this is what we chose emma," she reassures me. "we have to hide. remember the last time we went out? you got grounded for the longest time."

"i do remember. those were the darkest days of my life." i blink out tears. i was trapped in my room for two whole months. i didnt even have propper meals.

"olivia," i ask. "do you think we have to live like this for the rest of our lives?" now shes laying down beside me.

"when i turn eighteen," she smiles. "ill save you from your parents. we'll run away to somewhere far, and we'll live a happy life there. how does that sound?"

"perfect." i smile. i push myself up and push my lips onto hers.

i remember our first kiss.


it was the last day of eighth grade summer camp and olivia managed to sneak from the nineth grade cabins to mine. we were both laying in my lower bunk and were talking and giggling. the lights were dim but through the moonlight, i could see her smile and her blue eyes.

"i like you a lot," i say innocently. "ive never met someone like this in my life." she pauses, her smile fades.

"i like you too." she says abruptly. then she leans closer to my face. "what if i did this?"

her hand swiftly cups my jaw and her lips met mine, leading the kiss on. we parted and i stared into her eyes. the air between us was warm, and she removed her hand from my jaw.

"sorry," she huffs nervously. "i better leave. sorry for making you feel uncomfortable." she runs away, and i close my eyes.

end of flashback

"olivia," we broke apart. "i have to go. my mom would be searching for me if she decides to check on me early. ill leave the notebook in the park near my house."

she nods and i took off running.

i climb through my window and picked up my notebook, and start scribbling my emotions into it.

my door bursts open all of a sudden and in came my mom, her face carried a smile that kinda scared me just a little.

"why are you always in your room? even though you're grounded doesnt mean that you can't wander around the house," she complains. "also, you should really get to studying soon. you're going back to school in two weeks."

"yes mom," i say with no emotion.

"i hope you study well this school year, and don't go wandering off with that olivia girl. she's a bad influence." a frown came across her face as she said the name olivia.

"sure mom." i roll my eyes. she leaves me alone.

i close my eyes and a tear flows out, uncontrollably.


we used to write letters.

not real, old fashioned, stamp, post office letters, more like love notes

my mom did everything to separate the both of us. i was homeschooled, put through conversion therapy, grounded, sometimes even starved if i get caught sneaking out.

but olivia and i always found a way with communication. i was aloud to go out of my house every day, but only to the fenced part of the woods behind the my house.

olivia would sneak through the restricted areas of the woods and hide behind the fence of my house so we could talk. all i could see of her is usually her sparkling blue eyes through the gap of the fence. we'd talk from the morning to the evening, and i would sneak back into the house. soon later, my mom figured what was going on, and decided to build the fences higher.

then, we decided to send letters to each other.

every morning, i'd drop my letters to the grass floor next to my room, and olivia's brother would go pick them up for me. he'd hand me notes that olivia wrote me, and that was the only way we communicated.

my mom never found out about the letters, so she let me back to school the following year.

for this second part, ill start off by saying:

teachers could be butt cheeks sometimes.

on parents day, my mom decided to ask my class teacher who was my best friend.

the teacher told my mom that olivia and i have been abnormally close through the whole school year, and of course my mom was upset.

i started conversion therapy close after.

i was sent to a camp for 2 whole months of summer vacation, and they attempted to suck all the gayness out of me.

i really thought it worked for a second. i felt pain, insulted, my mind was twisted at the absoulute wrongest way possible.

but once i saw olivia again, it was heaven.

my heart fluttered like it did before. it felt like my whole body was alive again. all i wanted to do is to kiss her, love her like nobody will do.


and since then, nothing and no one can tell me different,

i am in love with the one and only girl, olivia rouyre.

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