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i tell her about the meet-up.

i tell her about the arguing,

how she called me up,

and us making out.

she sighs.

"you're still in love with her aren't you," she says. "you're hopeless. the way you talk about her, just in love."

"well," i shrug. "i don't know."

"shut up," she shakes her head. "you love her. you convinced me."

"whatever amanda," i roll my eyes. we've been talking for so long. i better go."

"to olivia's house?" she teases. i don't reply.

"don't tell me you are." she says seriously.

"what are you gonna do about it?" i say and i leave her alone in our apartment.


her lips tastes different everyday.

yesterday it was sweet, like a strawberry candy kind of flavour, making me feel warm and beautiful, complimenting me in every kind of way.

today she tastes beautiful. like she's boasting about her body, how her lips bring out her beauty. it brought a sense of confidence, which made my stomach squirm.

her hands wrap around my neck, holding me close, trailing small circles on my neck slowly. she was being very demanding today, a brave side that i have never seen.

but i liked it.

we break apart, her still pressing me against the wall. our nose touch and she bites her lip sensually. i smirk and lick my lips as she slides my hand up the wall.

"what do you want," i smirk. her eyes focused on mine.

"you." she ends her statement and bites down hard on my neck.

small moans of comfort leaves my mouth, as she leaves multiple hickeys on my neck. she stops, dead in her tracks and springs away from me.

"shit!" she yells and lays on my bed. "sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry..." she trailed on,

"why do you do that every time we're about to get sexual?" i sit down beside her, putting my hands behind me and i press them down on my mattress, looking at the ceiling.

"i don't know," she proceeds to lie there. "it's usually just a sense coming over me for like 15 minutes, then it kinda stops and i just lose it, like i'm doing something wrong."

"that's weird," my eyes now lay on her flawless body. "maybe you're just not top."

"not true!" she sits up now, and i laugh at her reaction. "look at those on your neck, i gave you those."

"but you also did spring 5 feet away from me after that," i point out, and she blushes.

"well it's because that's the end of it," she defends. "besides, i like kissing you slowly. like this."

she places her lips softly on mine, not even bothering to move anything.

girls lips are easier to kiss. but emma's are better that normal girls.

"like that, huh," i purse my lips. "well you're not getting any of that when we're going to fiji, that's what i'm sure about."

"olivia!" she squeals silently. "i'm not going to have sex with you!" her eyes were uncertain.

"you sure?" i smile and she blushes. "we'll see. let's go to bed, angel, and we'll pack tomorrow."

"can i still sleep over tomorrow?" she says, her voice small.



emma hasn't called me in days.

well not really.

she's been hanging out with that olivia girl like she's some kind of replacement for me.

they've even been acting like couples.

but i probably am thinking about it too much. emma's preparing for that trip for these two days.

i wonder if she's thinking about me?


everything goes through my head.

anything but dan.

how am i supposed to tell him?

'hey dan, i'm a lesbian since i was in grade school and i was with you because i was going through a major heartbreak! now my girlfriend is back i don't need you in my life anymore.'

that's kinda rude really.

olivia still hasn't told me the backstory of her cheating.

how did i forgive her so easily, without even thinking, or really considering our past?

is this love?

her hands wrap around my waist, and i indulge in her scent. she smelled pretty, like flowers and fruits, but not as artificial. she smells good.


the flight to fiji was long and nauseating, but luckily olivia has been the greatest support and took great care of me when we flew together.

we got assigned rooms, and olivia and i got a big room with an open window that showed the full beach view.

"this is so romantic," she smiled at me. "imagine just looking at the stars, me and you, on this bed that you're going to be skewered on."

"olivia!" i mumble as she places her head on my shoulder. "but yea that does sound good."

"remember when we used to go to the fields to look at the stars in the sky when u sneak out?" she smiles at the memories.

"i do actually." i murmur, i was being quiet because the view was pretty. "you said the view was pretty."

"you didn't know that i was looking at you saying that, did you?" she inhaled my scent. i probably smell like that stupid airplane.

"i did," my eyes shift from the scene to her face. "i did after a while. you weren't even looking at the stars most of the time."

"seeing you was a rare occurrence," she frowns, talking as if the memory was painful. "i had to make the most of it."

"is that what people call, love?" i ask her and she shrugs.

"do you think we're in love?" she says.

"we used to," i reply the truth only. she nods.

"there are some things in the way right now to be in love." she sighs. "things that needn't be brought up."

"yes it needs to be brought up," i insist.


there is no way an argument is starting up now.

"babygirl-" i start.

"don't babygirl me!" she starts crying now. "i never got an explanation, you only threw a fit, and that it! you didn't even say anything!"

"can't we just make ourselves believe that the past was a mistake?" i start crying now. my heart hurts, like a piercing pain that causes my whole body to shiver.

"you can," her voice quivers. "i can't."

"yes you can. for me, please." i beg.

"you're admitting to cheating?" she stressed on the topic.

"i never cheated, and i never will," i insist. "i can swear on it."

she looks at me with questioning eyes.

"then tell me why did you cheat."

"let's play 21 questions. that would answer everything." i sit on the bed with my legs crossed.

"sure," let's start.

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