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"how'd you guys just recognise my voice like that?" she smiles, walking over. "especially olivia. i haven't talked to you in years!"

"hey," olivia smiles at amanda. "that's what friends are for, ya know?"

"whatever." i roll my eyes at olivia. "what are you doing here?"

"i was meeting a g-" she stops. "i was meeting a guy that lived around here, he said he would be here like 5 minutes ago but he isn't showing up."

"a guy?" olivia wiggles her eyebrows. "do you have anything to tell us?"

"oh come on," amanda groans and she sits down beside us. "i cant keep anything from you guys, can i?"

"you're into girls!" i yell out and she blushes.

"happy birthday," she mutters, her face red. "whatever. it isn't a big deal!"

"isn't a big deal?" olivia gasps in disbelief. "it's like the biggest deal! come on."

"i don't know yet." she frowns. "this might be a faze. we never know."

"a faze?" i laugh. "what are you, a trainer from conversion therapy camp? don't be silly. go after her!"

"i mean," she stutters. "if you say so. i'll be off. see you guys in LA soon?"

"sure," we both say as she left.

"amanda, a lesbian?" olivia grins in disbelief. "that's a surprise. never even thought about it."

"she's probably bi," i say. "she's still attracted to a lot of guys."

"maybe." olivia is still grinning. "i love that the three of us are all gay as fuck now."

"is that why you're grinning?" i ask her, the corners of my mouth twitch upwards, looking at her happy makes me happy.

"i guess," she says. "what else do you wanna do here?"

"let's make the old days come to life." i grin at her mischievously. "why not rebuild the cabin?"

we spent an hour hunting down supply stores and we finally got all the paint and wood that was required.

olivia measure the area, the cabin was small, but it was enough for the both of us. we propped up the boards, making the walls tall. we had some struggles with the roof, but all turned out fine.

"just like the old days." i smile at the cabin as olivia stood behind me, both of us red and dripping sweat.

"not yet," she smiled and handed me the heavy bucket of paint.

like the old days, we painted it yellow, a pastel yellow, the roof remained brown. we even had time to set up the smallest porch.

"i'm proud of us," olivia smiled. her thin top was soaked but she was happy. she smelled like sweat, but she smelled good.

"this is magical," i was grinning from ear to ear now. "it's like, reliving the best parts of my childhood."

"it's getting late now," olivia gets out of the cabin. "look! the sunset. let's find a diner near here. how about our childhood favourite?"

we sat in the diner, they served vegan fast food that olivia and i both enjoyed.

"happy birthday," olivia says as i munch down on my burger. "like for real. you're 21 now. all grown up."

"i guess," i shrug. "but i'll forever be your babygirl?"

"yes of course." she stroke my hair from across the short table. "my babygirl."

"you're just the best." i feel tears forming in my eyes.

"i know." she eats her food silently and we leave quickly.

- - - -

the club was loud.

there was a lot of people, olivia holding my hand guiding me across the dance floor.

"how'd you feel?" olivia handed me my jungle juice.

"olivia," i look at the glass. "i've had this numerous times before!"

"who cares!" she downs a shot. "just drink. it's your birthday!"

"to my birthday, then!" i suck the liquid out of the plastic straw. "to emlivia!" i shout.

"to emlivia!" olivia shouts and we both laugh, our lips colliding for once today. i missed this.

my hands were excited, they wandered too far. it went up her shirt, my body pressed against hers, her hands in my hair, it felt truly magical.

the amount of emotion pouring from my lips as our mouths worked in sync, i start tugging at her shirt. she looks at me.

"take a look behind you," i look behind me. at the back of the club, a figure i know too well.

"dan?" my eyes widen. "what the fuck?"

"wanna go teach him a lesson?" olivia pushes me towards him, her demanding actions causing me to stumble across the dance floor.

i landed on the sofa next to dan. his wary eyes looked over.

"focus on me babygirl," olivia teases, running her finger down my chest. "be a good girl for me." she bites down on my neck.

"olivia!" i moan out, the noise drowned out by the loud beats of the song. "olivia please."

i feel dan's eyes on me. he wasn't happy.

she kissed up my jaw, her eyes looked straight into mine.

"you okay babe?" her piercing eyes flooded with lust.

"more-more th-an ok-kay," i stutter. she smirks.

"i wonder if your petty boyfriend could do this to you, huh?" she says loudly. her lips smashes on mine.

they felt softer than before.

her tongue glided across my bottom lip, my legs twitching and shivering, leaving my body in waves of nervousness.

the effect she has on me.

olivia decides to straddle me.

"ENOUGH!" i hear dan shout and olivia and i spring apart.

"enough!" he was red and furious. "emma chamberlain. that night, 14 days ago. you left my house, for this bitch! you cheated on my first, and you had the audacity to yell at me? you're a whore!"

"don't you fucking dare!" olivia screamed at him. "call my girlfriend a whore ill punch you in your fat fucking neck!"

"you're a slut as well, dating my ex." he says. "you're a slut!"

"shut the fuck up!" i yell at him now. "i've been with olivia since i was like 12! you cannot compete!"

"that means you cheated on her with me?" he yells back. "you're a hoe!"

"say that one more fucking time you pussy!" olivia yells in his face.

"you're girlfriend. IS. A. FUCKING. WHORE!" he yelled.

and olivia swung.

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