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i move a step back, as olivia quietly stood there, speechless. i examine her.

she seems to have grown a little taller, her hair was still pretty long but in a different way. she wore a hoodie and shorts, and which looked really pretty on her.

her neck, her necklace has been replaced with a lock necklace, identical to mine.

my heart shattered on the spot.

i didn't know what to say, my eyes pooled with tears and i tried to make them unnoticeable, my tears turned redder than ever.

"hi, emma," she breaks the silence. "i know i'm in no place to talk to you but may i please get the chance to explain what merely happened 2 years ago." her pleading eyes meet mine.

i lower my gaze from her eyes to her lips. oh how much i'd like to kiss them again.

but my heart still throbs thinking that she had cheated on me, or that was what it looks like, and she had moved on.

"yes, sure," i mumble. she still held power over me like nobody else. "tomorrow at philz coffee down the street?"

"that would be amazing. see you tomorrow."

moments later, my phone rang.

dan. a guy i met in San Francisco, and he moved to LA weeks before i did.

"hi angel," he says. dan and i have developed a relationship that was not intimate, but we were a close couple. "what's up? wanna come over today?"

"sure," i smile. it didn't seem genuine. "i'll see you around." he hung up, and off i drive.


a knock came on the door, and i ran to open it.

"emma!" i squeezed her tight and gave her a kiss on her forehead. she smiles weakly, shrugging me off and laying flat faced on my couch.

"i'm so tired," she moaned and flopped like a fish on my couch. "entertain me. what have you been working on lately?"

"nothing much," i reply. "been painting a lot recently, i know it's kind of ugly because you know, i do computer effects, but i painted one of your instagram pictures." i bring out my proudest work.

"woah," she says looking at it. "it's so pretty! you made me look prettier than i am lol." her face held some kind of sadness, like a heartbreak, but it made no sense.

"hey," i frown at her. "you okay? you seem a bit off today."

"i'm fine," she snaps. "oh, i'm sorry, i'm just a bit moody right now, i'm so sorry." she gets up.

"i better leave, i have a big day tomorrow."


i put on my key necklace again, smiling into the mirror as i dig out a yellow button-up and some long jeans.

today was the day i tell her the truth.

i receive a text from emma:

hey, i'll be there in 5 minutes, i'll see you soon.

ok. wait, how'd she get my number? wait, i've never changed it.

sure. see u there:))

i head out. i walk 5 minutes to philz and see emma arriving just.

"hi!" the tension we had yesterday has already been broken. "how are you?"

"complicated," i say. "how about you?"

"i could say the same," she says back. "i see you've changed into the old necklace."

"you noticed that?" ah, she haven't moved on. perfect.

"well," she stuttered. "shit."

"hah," i laugh a little bit. "i still make you stutter, huh."

"i don't think anybody can make me stutter like you do, to be honest." is she flirting with me?

"oh," i raise my eyebrows. "that's cute. have a boyfriend?"

"yea actually," she says and my heart sinks. "he doesn't know about you though, don't know what would he think."

"hopefully something good," i reply, my mouth turning into a frown.

"i want to know about," she stops. "the incident."

"does it matter anymore?" i turn defensive. "you've moved on. i though only i did."

"it does," she insisted. "it matters to me and you. you owe me an explanation."

"no i don't." i end the conversation. "i'm going to tell you right now that i cheated on you because i want to."

"what?" she widens her eyes in disbelief. "you're going to throw a fit because i have a boyfriend? oh grow up!" she yells, but doesn't get up.

"yes," i snap back. "i don't think it matters anymore."

"you're making all of this so difficult!" i can see tears forming in her eyes.

"you're the one who's making my life difficult," i mutter coldly. i was tempted to get up.

"well, id like to see you get up and leave from the situation." she challenges me.

"and so i will." i get up, and leave the coffee shop with wide strides.


i cry in the car on my way home.

it felt long and sick, like the hole in my heart has ventured down to another level.

why does it matter to me anymore? we're not even together anymore. we've barely talked for 2 years!

i receive a call from my boyfriend. i decline.

i don't want to talk to anybody but olivia. right here, right now. i want her. i crave her touch. i want her lips on mine again.

i get home and put on one of her hoodies.

tears flow down my cheeks endlessly and my apartment felt empty, i fell empty.


i see she had moved on.

whats the point of me telling her anyways?

there is legit no point anymore.

whether if she forgive me or not, i'm not going to get her back.

my head hurts from thinking and i indulge myself in music, watching my feet as i walked slowly back to her apartment.

she deserves it.

she deserves it.

no she doesn't.

i messed everything up.

i sit down on my couch, and start crying.

i'm the reason for everything. i messed everything up.

and no matter how hard i try, i'm never going to get her back.

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