That was a Mouthfull

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Patton and I walked into our new school, both embodying the polar opposite ends of the spectrum that was teenage emotion when it came to being in a new school. Patton was bubbly, excited, and eager to get started. I was sending silent thoughts to my bed promising I wasn't cheating on it and would be back as soon as I could. Also boredom and dread. Patton turned to me and was about to chastise me yet again for how I spoke to the cheerleader. I knew his only reason for doing it was because he wanted to get on the cheer squad. He was perky and bouncy. The role fit him. As he opened his mouth some big oaf in a varsity jacket snatched his hat off his head and tossed it to one of his buddies.

"Not sure if you got the memo loser, but no hats in school," he started, his friends chuckling. "Shit. Maybe we should make an exception for you. Ya freak."

"Give him back his hat," I grumbled, stepping between Patton and the bully. I'd seen the tears well up in my brother's eyes at being called a freak and I couldn't stand by and let him get picked on. "He did nothing to get on your radar so just leave him alone."

"Or what?" The guy stepped into my personal space and glared down at me. He was at least a foot taller than me, but I didn't let him use his height to intimidate me.

"Or when you come back here in ten years to reminisce about when your life had reached its peak you'll be reminded by everyone about what a jerk you were to a kid who honestly wasn't even worth your time." I lowered my hoodie and headphones and looked up at the taller teen through my bags, which hung in my silvery-blue eyes even with my head tilted up to see him.

Curse our mother for being a short woman and blessing us both with her height.

The boy raised his fist, ready to punch me, and I braced myself but didn't step down. I'd dealt with jerks like him before. You couldn't appear weak. Not when they had their buddies around them. I'd let him get his punch in. Then I'd go with Patton to report it. I wasn't a fighter so There was no way I would be able to strike him back. Plus that would just make Patton more upset.

"Carter!" A loud voice boomed from down the hall. Turning my attention in the direction of the voice I realized that we had gathered a bit of a crowd around us. Yeah, watch the new kids get their asses kicked on the first day of school and don't say or do anything. Great work guys. "You lay one finger on either of them and I'm telling coach. And you will be cut," the owner of the voice appeared through the crowd, looking like Captain America and Thor's love child, the cheerleader from the bus stop right beside him and looking just as miffed.

The bully, Carter, lowered his fist and let go of my shirt. When had he grabbed that? I blinked a couple of times and turned my attention back to Adonis over there who seemed to hold a lot of sway over this troglodyte. He snatched Patton's hat from Carter's buddy and dusted it off. "Everyone should be heading to homeroom," he said in a nonchalant voice that sent the crowd dispersing. Carter and his cronies left as well, leaving us (Patton, cheerleader girl, school god, and myself) standing alone in the corridor. Seriously, who the hell was this guy that he had that much sway over these other plebes? "I believe this belongs to you." He held the grey newsboy cap out to Patton and my brother happily took it, smiling bashfully at the taller guy.

"Thanks, kiddo!"

"Uhh.... you're welcome, Newsie hipster theatre geek Mark from Rent."

"So you helped us out just so you could be his bully?" I crossed my arms and glared up at him. I really hated being short.

He blinked a couple of times and looked me in the eyes. "Actually, no. I give everyone a nickname, emo nightmare."

"Roman," the cheerleader chided.

Letting out an exasperated sigh he rolled his eyes and bowed to us, "Roman Wulf, captain of the football team and student body Vice President three years running, at your service." He rose and gestured to the girl with him. "This lovely damsel is Sunniva Blake. Cheerleading captain and student ambassador. If you need help with anything she's the one you go to."

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