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It had been about two weeks since Roman's party. Patton finally got his cast off and was eager to start practicing with the cheer squad. Sunniva still hadn't asked him out. And clubs were starting up at school.

Logan tried to get me to join debate, but I refused. De recommended theatre. Again, I refused. Remus suggested track. I looked at him like he was insane. Seriously, what about me suggested to him that I would run without being chased by a rabid dog or a hoard of zombies? Though, if I were being absolutely honest I would probably just lay on the ground and let them rip me to shreds. Running takes too much effort.

"You could run for secretary for student government," Logan suggested as we sat at our usual table in the cafeteria.

"I spend enough time with you and Roman at lunch, in class, and during band practice. What makes you think I wanna see your mugs more than I already do?" I said in a teasing tone.

"It would look good on your college transcripts."

"I'm not going to college."

Everyone at the table went silent. You would've thought that I had just told them I kick puppies as a hobby. For the record, I don't.

"Why not, Dr Gloom?"

"Don't see a point."

"What? No...point?" I think I may have broken Logan.

"Not everyone is cut out for the whole college thing."

"What do you plan on doing after high school then?"

"I dunno. It's still September, Roman. I have until June to decide." The taller boy nodded his head. "What're you going to college for?"

"Theatre. The stage calls me."

"I know Patton is going for early childhood education. What about the rest of you?"


"Computer science."

"Music. And De is going to study Law."

I was starting to think it was really weird that I didn't want to go to college or university. I mean, honestly, even Remus was planning on going. It's not like I hadn't considered it before. I just could never think of what I wanted to study and then I'd get scared that I wouldn't even do well in my classes. So, I just decided that to save myself the headache and stress I'd just forget about even going to college.


I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone calling my name. Looking in the direction of the voice I saw Roman giving me a concerned look.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Just thinking. Did I miss something?"

"No. Just wanted to make sure you were okay."


Patton, Sunniva, and I walked down the street, heading towards the library after school. I had my headphones on, blasting Even Flow by Pearl Jam, while the other two talked excitedly about their routine for the upcoming football game. I was walking behind them a bit, chuckling to myself as I watched them talking to each other.

I nearly had a heart attack when someone came up behind me put their hands over my eyes. "Guess—oof!" I didn't give them a chance to finish talking as I turned quickly and punched them in the stomach.

"Dammit, Roman!" I glared at the taller boy, pulling my headphones off, as he leaned forward a bit and held his stomach in pain. Patton's Dan Sunniva walked around me and over to Roman to see if he was okay.

"You shouldn't have snuck up in him, kiddo," Patton's voice was still full of concern despite his words.

I looked past them as the sound of laughter caught my ears. Remus, De, and Logan were walking over to us. The drummer laughing at his brother's plight.

"Why are you guys following us?" I pulled my hood over my head and shoved my hands in my pockets.

"We saw you guys walking and Roman thought it would be amusing to sneak up on you," Logan stated.

"We wanted to see how badly it would go," Remus said, still laughing.

I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily. Why had I become friends with these dorks?

"Where are your cars?" Patton looked around concerned.

"At De's house. He lives close to the school," Roman righted himself and rubbed his stomach.

"Oh cool."

"I should be heading home," Logan said, looking at his watch.

"Want me to give you a ride?" Remus looked over to his friend.

"No. That's alright. I can take the bus," he excused himself and rushed off to the bus stop.

"So, where were you nerds headed?" Roman draped an arm around my shoulders. I rolled my eyes again and pushed him away from me.

"Library. Patton and Sunniva have a project to do and I wanted to get a jump start on the paper we have for English."

"That paper isn't due until December, Virge," Roman and Remus gave me a confused look.

I should make one thing clear. I am only in AP and honor classes because I am so afraid of failing that I put more effort into my work than I actually need to. My anxiety gets so bad when it comes to school work that I put in so much effort that I complete all of the tasks to get an A and then the tasks that would earn me extra credit. The lowest grade I have gotten in any class is a B. Because I literally freak out about even that! I'm surprised I haven't given myself an ulcer or high blood pressure.

"I know. Not much time to get it done," I shrugged.

"Pat, when is your project due?" De walked over to my brother, completely ignoring me.

"In two weeks. Why?"

"You and Sunniva go on to the library. We're kidnapping Virgil. He's obviously a type a personality and he needs to take a break before he works himself into an early grave."

"I am not going to work myself into an early grave!"

"Yeah. And I'm totally not going to have Logan make you a PowerPoint of all the dangers of not taking it easy from time to time," De quirked an eyebrow at me and the nodded to Roman.

I was confused for all of a second then let out a yelp of surprise and dropped my bag as the football player lifted me up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Thankfully Remus had some pretty quick reflexes and he caught my bag before it hit the ground.

"I'll text you my address and you can come pick up your brother when you two are done."

"Okay, De. Take it easy, Virgil!"

"Traitor!" I tried to fight Roman to get him to let me go, but to no avail. The jock was not setting me down. We were about a block away from De's house when I finally gave up on fighting for my freedom.

Hold On (Book 1 of It's Not Over)Where stories live. Discover now