Let's Play a Game

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Warnings: Remus.


After several hours of practice, we all gathered in the living room for a movie marathon, per Roman's orders. Why we were taking orders from him was beyond me, but we all listened anyway. He had gathered pillows and blankets and had them tossed around on the floor, along with bowls of popcorn. He even suggested that we all just stay the night as tomorrow wasn't a school day and it was pretty late out anyway. I had tried to protest, insisting that Patton and I had to be home, but my darling brother said he'd already messaged our father and he said it was cool for us to stay the night.

My future plans of being a hermit are being sabotaged by my own family at this point. Like, how am I supposed to get used to quiet solitude if my dad and brother keep forcing me to interact with other human beings?

"We don't have any pyjamas," it was my last attempt at an excuse for us to leave.

"Taken care of, hot topic."

"Tch, aww you think I'm hot," I said sarcastically, crossing my arms and glaring at the other boy.

Roman rolled his eyes and headed towards the staircase. "Come on, we have some of my and Remus' old clothes in one of the spare bedrooms. I'm sure you and Patton can fit them. We used to be short like you years ago."

"I could push you down the stairs you know," I grumbled as I followed him up the stairs. Patton stayed in the living room, digging through the movies that Roman had lain out on the coffee table.

"Why are you so violent?"

"It's a gift."

Roman led me down the hall, past several closed doors, to the room that they used for storage. Opening the door he stepped aside to let me in first and then followed, flicking on the light switch.

"You guys are rich and live in a mansion. Why aren't you in some ritzy private school or boarding school?" I walked around the room, looking at the toys and whatnot that were carefully stored in there.

"Why would we be? It's not like we're going to meet people with real personalities or realistic world views being around a bunch of snot-nosed trust fund brats," he replied, walking over to a chest on the far end of the room and opening it.

"Aren't you and Remus snot-nosed trust fund brats?"

"No. Our noses are very much snot free," he chuckled, pulling out a pair of bright red and white pyjamas and holding them out to me.

"Lemme guess, these were yours?" I said, taking the offered clothing and unfolding them. They looked like a prince costume and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yes, they were mine. You know, you could've just slept in your underwear. We're all guys here. And if you must be modest your t-shirt would've been fine."

"Yeah. Not gonna happen, princey."

"And why is that?"

"Two words. Car. Accident."

Roman froze in the middle of searching the trunk for another pair of pyjamas and looked over his shoulder at me. "Sorry. I forgot. But you do know that none of us would judge you for the scars. Right?"

"I don't even know you guys all that well. I just met you all on Tuesday. I'm not even sure why my dad agreed to let Patton and I stay the night. He hasn't met your parents. And, again, we just me you guys this week."

"Well, we wouldn't judge you," he turned his attention back to the crate. "And maybe he trusts your judgement, Virgil. You two are like what? 17? 18? You're old enough to be trusted to stay the night away from home on the weekend."

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