March: Part 1

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A/N: 5 more chapters to go. Then I'll get back to work on Apocalyptic Morality. This chapter will be formatted the same as January was.

Warning: Mention of hospital, anxiety, seizures, and self harm. Also, Remus.



I hated that word with a passion. I especially hated it when it was yelled. Especially when yelled with the level of fear that was in De's voice.

"Fuck!" I flopped back against the couch as the words 'Game Over' flashed across the screen.

"Dude! I told you to run!"

"Stop yelling, De. You're gonna blow out my headset," I grumbled, clicking the button to let the game know I wanted to continue.

"Do you two even know how to play?"

"Shut up, Roman," we both yelled into our microphones.

We were playing some stupid zombie game and had decided to all play together. We figured our chances of survival would be increased by playing together, but that was not the case.

De was probably the most experience out of all of us when it came to video games. Then came me. Roman didn't really play any games, but had wanted to play with us so we let him. So far he had died the least out of the three of us.

"I'm gonna go grab something to eat," I left my game and took off my headphones before making my way to the kitchen. As I entered the room I ground slightly as I felt what could only be described as the sound of a computer shutting down. You know, the tone windows makes when you shut down your computer? Yeah. I felt like that sound. As soon as that feeling hit me everything went dark.

I woke up a bit later on my bed. The hell happened? I went to sit up, but felt someone place a hand to my chest.

"Don't move, love."

Letting out a soft groan I forced my eyes to focus on the owner of the voice. Light brown hair, olive skin, auburn eyes... Roman. Roman? The hell was he doing here? "What happened?"

"You told me and De you were gonna get a snack, but you never returned."

"Dude. That was like two minutes ago? What's you do, break the laws of physics to get here?"

"That was two hours ago, Virgil," Logan's voice came from the door as he walked into my room.

Two hours?

"Patton and I found you unconscious on the kitchen floor. What's the last thing you remember?"

"Umm... saying I was gonna get a snack and then like the feeling of the windows shut down sound." That explanation earned me a couple of odd looks. I sighed heavily and tried to explain it to them. "Like how the sound descends in tone while a computer shuts down. Like that. It felt like someone just his shut down on my brain."

Logan frowned and Roman looked at me with concern.

"I'm not going crazy."

"You have a history of migraines, correct?"

"Yeah. So?"

"Have you ever had syncope before?"

I gave him a confused look, "English please?"

"Have you fainted before?"

"Not that I remember."


"I was told that after ten years of migraines I had an increased risk of them." Logan nodded.

"I think you should see your neurologist, Virgil."

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