Well, That Could Have Gone Worse

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Warning: Accidental misgendering

Roman finally set me down when we got to De's house. Glaring at him I kicked him in the shin.

"Ow!" He rubbed his shin and glared back at me. "Real mature, Virgil."

"Fuck off." I pushed my hood off of my head and looked over to De. "Where's your bathroom?"

"Down the hall. First door on the left," he pointed me in the direction of the bathroom.

I grumbled a thanks and stormed off in the direction of the bathroom.

"Be careful, Remus broke the lock last week," he called after me.

Once in the bathroom I took off my hoodie and t-shirt. All of my squirming when Roman was carrying me had caused my binder to bunch up, which was quite possibly the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. Sighing heavily I worked on readjusting the dark purple torture device when the bathroom door suddenly opened and a guy walked in, staring in wide-eyed surprise.

"Shit! I'm sorry!" He quickly shut the door and I quickly threw my shirt and hoodie back on. When I emerged from the bathroom I could hear De yelling at someone.

"Let me guess, our parents didn't teach you about knocking on doors!"

"I wasn't expecting to walk in and find a girl in the fucking bathroom! I didn't even know you were back home!"

I cringed when I heard him refer to me as a girl. I hadn't been spotted, but I could see my three friends. They all seemed rather confused by what the guy, who I'm assuming was De's brother, said.

"There's no girl here, Jay," Remus said. "Did you bang your head?"

I walked into the living room where everyone was and pulled my hood up over my head.

"You okay, Virge?" Roman asked when he noticed me.

"You must've bumped your head because she's right there," Jay said, pointing to me. I glared at him from under my hood, entire body going tense.

I relaxed and stared in shock as Roman moved to stand in front of me. "He has a name. And it's Virgil," the princely boy stated. I stared at his back in surprise.

Jay was silent for a moment. "Shit... he's..." he sighed heavily. "You mind moving so I can apologize, Ro?" The older guy said. Roman took a step to the side and I could see that his arms were crossed in front of his chest and he wore a scowl. "I'm sorry I walked in on you, Virgil. And I'm even sorrier for misgendering you. I didn't know and I didn't think. I'm really sorry."

"Whatever," I mumbled. "Can I have my bag, Remus? I need to get home."

Remus silently handed me my bag and I thanked him before heading to the door and leaving. I was halfway down the walkway when I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned to punch the person that had grabbed me, but my fist was caught and I found myself facing Roman.

"What's up, princey?" I took a step back so I didn't have to crane my neck as much to look at him.

"I figured you could use a ride," he said, running a hand through his hair.

"No that's cool. I can walk," I lowered my head and stared at my sneakers.

"Virgil. You live almost three miles away. Plus you're upset. Let me give you a ride. Okay?"

I sighed and nodded my head. I didn't mind the long walk home, but I was upset and my anxiety was elevated thanks to Jay. I probably wouldn't make it home before breaking down and crying my eyes out, as much as I'd hate to admit it.

I followed Roman over to his car and got in on the passenger side and fastened my seatbelt. "Thanks for standing up for me," I murmured as he started the engine.

"It's what friends do," he started driving towards my house in silence.

"You passed my house, Roman," I looked at the side mirror as my house disappeared behind us.

"I know," he kept his eyes fixed on the road.

"Look, Roman. I'll stay away from you and Remus and your friends. I'll even ask my dad to transfer me to a new school. Just please don't hurt me," I pleaded, feeling fear and panic rise within my chest.

"Virgil, relax. What part of my personality makes you think I would do anything to hurt you? Do you think De would hang around me if I were the kind of person to go hurting someone floor being different?" His voice was calm and gentle as he spoke.

"Wh-where are we going then?"

"The park. I go there sometimes when I'm upset and I thought a change of scenery would do you some good. Plus I didn't want to leave you alone to dwell on any negative thoughts that might be swimming around in that head of yours."


"If you want I can turn back around and take you home. I just really didn't want you to have to deal with your thoughts alone. I consider you a friend, Virgil."

"Thanks, Ro." I relaxed a bit and watched the scenery pass us by. We both remained silent until Roman parked his car about an hour later.

We both got out of the car and I followed Roman over to a bench and sat beside him. My hands were still in my pockets and my hood was still pulled over my head, mostly hiding my face.

"You wanna talk about it?" He finally asked after another five minutes of silence between us.

"What's there to talk about? I got outed by that guy."

"I don't think Jay actually meant any harm. He sometimes talks without thinking. It's kinda hard to believe that he and De were raised by the same people. Though, you'd think that growing up with De as a younger sibling he'd be a bit more observant and considerate." I nodded silently. "You know, Virge. This won't change how we see or treat you. You're one of the guys. Nothing will change that."

I glanced at Roman to find him looking at me with sincere eyes and I couldn't help but blush a bit under his gaze. "You won't tell Logan will you?" I turned my face towards the horizon and watched as the sun started to set.

"Nope. That's not our place to do something like that. If you want him or Sunniva to know that's up to you. Not us." I nodded and murmured a thanks. "No need to thank me."

We remained there, watching the sun set in a comfortable silence until the street lights came on. Roman then drive me back home.

I was just getting out of the car when Patton ran down the walkway towards me and hugged me tightly.

"Are you okay, Virgil? De told me what happened." He held my face in his hands and searched my eyes to make sure I couldn't hide my emotions.

"I'm fine, Pat. Roman took me to go see the sunset and think quietly for a bit." I placed my hands over his and gently lowered them from my face.

Patton nodded then looked over towards Roman who had gotten out of his car as well and was leaning on the roof. "Hey, Ro. Remus is inside helping our dad with dinner. Do you wanna join us as well?"

Roman glanced over at me and I just shrugged and nodded my head. I really didn't care either way. "Sure," he replied walking around the car and heading inside with Patton and I.

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