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A/N: I'm really liking this formatting so get used to it! This time instead of just days I'm also gonna include titles of important events.
Zach Callison's music will be referenced.


I lay on the couch in the garage with my head in Roman's lap and the princely teen absently played with my hair while we listened to Remus go over set up and the songs we'd be playing. He was sitting in De's lap as he talked, the other gently rubbing his arms. We could all see the frustration on the drummer's face. He was always stressed before a performance and it wasn't helped by the fact that Logan was still at the school having a meeting with the principal regarding a few student council matters. It was stuff he wanted to tie up before the last few meetings of the school year. He also had to meet with the prom committee to go over last minute matters.

I wasn't too tense about him being at the school alone. Since the day I chewed out Carter he'd kinda been avoiding Logan like the plague.

It was nearly seven when Logan walked into the garage looking a bit dazed. I shot up off the couch and rushed over to him. Gently gripping the taller teen's shoulders I looked into his eyes.

"You okay, Lo?" Roman placed a hand over mine on Logan's shoulder, concern evident in his voice.

"Huh? Uhh... yeah. Yeah. I'm fine," he mumbled. We didn't believe him, but we didn't push him either. Roman and I led him over to the couch and sat down with him.

De happily brought up a random topic to take Logan's mind off of whatever was bothering him and to get Remus' mind off of tomorrow.


5 - Birthday Party

We were setting up when the birthday girl walked up to us. She was wearing a puffy pink party dress and hand like three scrunchies on her wrist. She honestly did not look like the kind of girl who listened to alternative rock. We didn't stop setting up when she approached. If she wanted something she could just get our attention.

"Hey, handsome. What's your name?" Everyone but me stopped what they were doing and looked around as if unsure who she was addressing. "I'm talking to the perfect ten," I could hear the smirk in her voice. De and Logan turned their attention back to set up, leaving Roman and Remus to continue looking confused. "Red jacket," I caught a glimpse of her annoyed expression out of the corner of my eye and fought the urge to start laughing.

Roman and Remus, while having different biological mothers, looked nearly identical. Their father's genes must have been pretty strong. The only real way we would tell them apart was that Remus had a mustache. His hair was only slightly darker that Roman's and it was so slight that it was hardly noticeable.

"Roman. You must be the birthday girl," the taller teen said with a bow.

"I am. What're you doing after the party?"

Was this girl really hitting on my boyfriend? I looked over at Roman and noticed the shocked look on his face. Either he hadn't expected the question or he wasn't used to someone making a move on him. Either way I took pity on the lug and decided to help him out of his predicament.

"Hey, Ro, babe. I just got a text back from the restaurant to confirm our reservation for tomorrow," I typed a message to Roman, telling him I got this, on the notepad app and held the device out to him. "Tell me if that's okay and then send it."

Roman took my phone and read the message while I looked at the girl and smiled. "Bella, right?" She nodded. "I'm Virge. The one in yellow is De. The guy in green is Remus, he's Roman's twin. And the nerd over there is Logan," I pointed out each of my band mates to her as I introduced them.

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