It's Just a Dance

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A/N: I have been out of high school for like 14 years. And I went to two high schools without sports teams. So please forgive me for not knowing when events typically take place. I'm relying on Bing and Google here.

"Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope," I shook my head and quickly walked down the hall, leaving Roman to follow and whine.

"Why not, Virgil? We've been going out since the Friday after Thanksgiving!"

"We've has two dates, Roman." I pulled my hood over my head and picked up my pace as we were starting to gather attention with the other boy being loud.

"Virgil, please," he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him.

I pulled my wrist out of his hand and gently pushed him back, "I have practice that weekend."

"Virgil! Come on! It's the last game of the season and it's an away game. Please. I'm begging you. This is my last game of the school year. Then I have A Christmas Carol rehearsals."

"I don't dance, Roman."

"We won't have to dance. We could just hangout together."

"Then why go to the homecoming dance?"

"Because it would be date number three?" He looked hopeful. And I'm fairly certain Patton taught him to do those damn puppy eyes I can't say no to.

"Fiiiine," I sighed heavily, crossing my arms.

"Yay!" Roman picked me up and hugged me tightly, which got us a few more stares.

"Put me down. We're gonna be late for class," I grumbled, feeling my cheeks burning with embarrassment. The taller teen apologized and set me down before taking my hand in his and happily walking to class with me.

Once we got to class he took his seat and I walked over to my seat near the back beside Logan.

"Roman seems to be in a rather joyous mood, despite our having a test today."

"I agreed to go to the homecoming dance with him this weekend."

"Why did he wait so late to ask you?"

"I dunno. Probably wasn't planning on going if our first two dates sucked."

"I see. Are you two going steady now?"

I looked at Logan as if he'd grown a second head. "First off. No one says "going steady" anymore. Secondly. I don't know. I mean, we've only had two dates. This would be our third."

"Do you like him?"


"Does he like you?"

"I think so. He's always finding reasons to spend more time with me."

"Then perhaps you two should make it official."

"I dunno. I'll leave it up to him," I shrugged my shoulders and tapped my pen on my desk.

"I guess that would make sense. As he is more knowledgeable in this department than either you or I."

I chuckled and nodded my head. As the teacher walked in I found my gaze wandering over to the jock on the other side of the classroom and felt a slight smile tug at the corners of my mouth.

"It is quite obvious how infatuated you are with him, though." I quickly turned and glared at Logan. The younger teen had a smug smile firmly in place on his face.

"Take one test and pass the rest back. Once you get your sheet you are free to begin," Dr Picani stared. He was the school guidance counselor, but he'd been substituting for our Maths professor since she was out on maternity leave.

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