The Nightmare at Halloween: Part 2

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Warnings: Remus

Several hours later we all met up at Cruella's Halloween Hide-A-Way. Logan and I were first to arrive. Then De and Remus showed up, carrying a few more shopping bags. Lastly, Roman, Patton, and a person a bit shorter than me, dressed as Loki, showed up.

"Greetings, lords, ladies, and non-binary royalty!"

"You do realize that besides Loki we all fall into Nader the labels lords and non-binary royalty," De gave the jock an annoyed look.

"Hey, De, Remus, and Logan," Sandy smiled brightly and waved at the boys. "You must be, Virgil." She offered me her hand and I hesitantly shook it.


"You're so adorable. I'm Sandy."

"Uhh...nice to meet you," I felt my cheeks warm up.

"Our table is waiting for us. I requested seating for nine people so that Sunniva and her sister could join us." Logan led us inside and we all followed the host to our table.

Patton sat beside Sandy and talked animatedly with her and Roman about all things Disney and fluffy animal related. I sat silently beside Logan and watched my brother easily make a new friend with a bit of envy. Why was it always so easy for him to make friends?

Letting out a soft sigh I picked up my menu and began looking through it.

"Can I get you guys something to drink?"

De and Logan each ordered a water. Remus asked for a glass of pickle juice and when he was informed that they didn't have that he settled on a root beer. Patton, Roman, and Sandy all ordered milkshakes. I just got a hot chocolate.

The waiter nodded and walked off to get our drinks. When he left I turned my attention back to the menu.

"Dinner is on me," Roman ran a hand through his hair and opened his menu.

"Dude! You paid for lunch!" De, and I protested.

"Yes. And I'm paying for dinner."

"No. I've got me and Remus."

"I'll take care of Payton and I."

"I'm more than capable of paying for my own dinner as well, Roman."

"I swear..." Roman sighed heavily and ran his hand through his hair again, setting his menu down. "Why can't you all just let me do something nice? And I don't even remember asking about paying. I just said that I would."

"Who paid for our tickets?" Patton asked, looking as though something had just dawned on him.

"Roman did. He always treats for the holiday outings," Remus said, thanking the waiter when he brought back our drinks.


"This is true. Though that does not make it any less annoying."

"I would seriously like to treat my boyfriend to something once in awhile," De took a sip of his water.

Remus smirked and I swear every single one of us turned white as sheets. De choked in his water. And before any of us could stop him, Remus spoke. "You treat me your body every time you stay the night." We groaned. Sandy, Patton, and De blushed. Roman hung his head in defeat.

"That was surprisingly not as perverse as it could have been."

"Yeah, I'm thankful he didn't go into detail."

"Oh. It's not like no one at this table knew I was talking about you—"

"Remus! I swear..." Roman thankfully cut his brother off before he could finish his sentence. Sadly it was not before our waiter arrived and was probably able to figure out what we were talking about by the looks on our faces.

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