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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by 'Ticci Toby' & 'undormant' (AKA on Wattpad as '_I_Am_Ticci_Toby' & 'JamieKnightOnline'. Now includes parts 1 & 2 and unfinished 3.

The tree stood there. Bright red apples growing from it's branches. She went to the tree,reaching for an apple just as another hand reached for it. The two collided and fell to the ground. "I'm so sorry!"he began,standing and staring at the amazing girl. He already loved her.
"Whoops," he said, "looks like we both reached for the same Apple."
He offered a hand and helped her to her feet, she had a red apple in her hand.
"No problem," she said, "here, you have it."
She extended the red juicy apple in his direction.
He smiled,"No,it's in your hand. You earned it."
She laughed a little and accepted this,taking the apple back. "Will you be here tomorrow?"she asked him.
"For you? I just may be."he smiled.
Then he walked away. And she was certain that he'd be back.
The next day she was picking apples at the same time and place. Indeed he came back and they greeted each other.
"I've brought you a gift" he said and showed it to her from his basket.
"BBQ pork ribs? How unusual"
"My father owns a restaurant" he said sheepishly.
"Oh..."she blushed the color of the apples and excepted this gift.
Smiling,they both sat under the apple tree,eating and talking. By the time they parted ways they knew more about each other than they thought possible,and now it was getting dark. "How about a ride home?"
"We shouldn't leave the garden" she replied, "father wouldn't be happy, he's going to pick me up. Besides we have everything we need."
"It's a paradise" he sighed & glanced at the horizon where far off storm clouds nestled.
"They won't come to the garden" she said.
"Sadly...."he murmured.
They just sat,snuggled into each other's arms. Soon her father was there and taking her home. She couldn't stop thinking about him,and how much she wanted to see him.
Temptation took them the next day, they made love under the apple tree. Father expelled them from the garden forever
She was a woman now, in love, unafraid. She left with her lover in his car with nothing but her snake skin handbag.
They'd ride into the storm together.

Apples - Red & Juicy

They drove unafraid and unashamed into the storm, chasing the wind, the lighting, the thunder, the rain and the darkness that the storm brought.
She was more angry at her fathers banishing than anything else but tried to forget about it.
She looked at her lover with eyes of lust.
They soon reached a sanctuary. A safe place. Somewhere that it wouldn't be bad to love someone. Where they could do what they pleased...and no one could stop them. Not this time...
The city was in the west. He eventually got a job on a farm learning the trade.
She had always had intuition, but now she was having visions of the future, or nightmares, she wasn't sure. She kept her visions to herself.
One day she fell pregnant with twins.
The twins were the children of the devil. For she had never lain with him as husband and wife. They were both girls. The girls were to be named Myryn and Veryk.
In twelve months the children looked like five year olds.
"Do you not find it strange?" Eve said, "our names for one thing?"
"It's coincidence," replied Adam, "I don't believe that religious shit."
"The children have grown so fast."
"A medical condition."
*1 year l8r* 13 y/o Veryk stood over her sleeping parents,knife in hand. Myryn crept up behind her sister and grabbed the knife from her hand,pulling her sister back towards the room they shared. Myryn told her mom,and she soon installed cameras in each room if the house.
This was because Myryn wanted the pleasure of killing her mother herself.
The children soon began getting into trouble at school. For.....stabbing children with forks and pencils. It eventually got so bad that both girls had to be homeschooled.
After waking up from a nap with a bed full of dead frogs, Eve found an excuse to go to the store and left the children alone in the farmhouse. The owner had died suddenly, to their surprise left it to Adam, farm and all. "See momma," Veryk had said, "we bring you luck."
Eve had then just stared at the child. Too afraid to answer,and too afraid as not to say a word.
"Those children of yours are strange," said the store clerk as he handed her the basked of red juicy apples.
"That's not very polite."
"Nor is drowning my sons puppy. I can't prove it for sure but... We both know."
She lowered her gaze & left with the basket.
Eve got home with the apples and gave one to each of the children. "Eat this,my darlings,and you will live for eternity." Though truly eve had poisoned the apples...
"I'm pregnant," Eve told the children as they ate the apples, "a boy, daddy and I are going to call him Cain."
"That's great mom," it was an obvious lie from Veryk. Myryn could barely contain her anger under the false smile.
Hours passed and the twins went for a nap.
After nine months Cain was born. Not long after was Eve buying apples for the children again,seeing as the how the others had no effect on the girls. "Girls I am pregnant again. A boy. He shall be named Able..."the girls had then refused the apples and ran off to their room.
Slowly poisoning the evil children hadn't worked. Children had gone missing from the area, both Adam & Eve knew inside the twins were responsible.
One night Adam caught Myryn trying to smother Cain with a pillow. That was it. He killed the twins with a knife, buried them.
Adam and Eve walked outside and stared at the graves of the girls. Eve cried and Adam just watched the graves hatefully. The next day they walked out into the garden. The girls graves had been dug up and in them lay an apple each,red and juicy...

Apples - Rotten To The Core

Myryn and Veryk, despite being stabbed multiple times by their father in their hearts, had dug their way out of their hours old graves.
Adam was sure they were dead when he buried them, rigor mortis had started to set in.
Eve asked, "where do you think they've gone?"
"Away....and as long as they don't come back I don't even care where they have gone!"Adam admitted. By now Cain and Able had started having a sibling rivalry,and it was getting dangerous.
They had also grown at a incredibly fast rate. A couple of years passed and they were grown men, and the Twins had thankfully not been heard of again.
Cain seemed very jealous of Abel for no good reason. Eve dreamed that Cain drunk the blood of Abel, this disturbs her.
It hadn't been but a year since the twins "death" and disappearance that the news had reported two young girls on a killing spree. And they were headed to Adam and Eve.
Eve was having nightmares every night now. This dream was about Cain strangling Abel, the light left Abel's eyes and she sat up screaming. Adam was stuck in the city, there had been a massive storm and she was snowed in. The brothers were asleep.
The window was open.
Muddy footprints lead from the window to........under her bed. She shook,throwing the blankets off of her body. She put her feet on the floor. Something grabbed her ankle and she screamed.
Suddenly, the hand dissolved from her ankle and two black snakes slivered from under the bed towards the far bedroom wall. They turned into the twins.
"Thank you mother," they said in unison. Myryn held out a black shiny apple to her mother.
"For you," said Veryk.
Then,against her will,Eve took the apple. She bit into it and her mouth was filled with a strange liquid,then she pulled back and took a good look at the shiny black.......snake. She had just bit into re head of a snake...she was horrified and screamed. The twins were gone.
The weeks passed without much incident until Cain really did strangle Abel.
Eve took to her bed and would not eat. Adam carried her to the car and tried to take her back to her father's garden, but all that stood there were ruins and a wasteland.
Then there,in front of the rotten apple tree,sat Myryn and Veryk. "We only wanted to play daddy..."they whispered in unison. They smiled,revealing sharp snake-like fangs.
"Cain is a naughty boy," said Myryn glancing at her sleeping mother.
Adam retorted, "what do you mean?"
"Cain strangled Abel," Veryk replied, "whilst you've been here... distracted."
Laughing, Myryn took a rotting apple from the tree, "would you like an apple daddy?"

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