Doctor Who: The Outcasts

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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by 'S. A. Michaels' & 'JamieKnightOnline'. Unfinished.

They were nothing, products of war. A mishmash of species, all from different planets.
The war destroyed their worlds.
Now they were outcasts. A community that people looked down upon. And of course, there was only one man who could help them.
A madman in a little blue box.
Their planet was of no strategic value to any party in the war. On the edge of forgotten nebula, orbiting a vicious pulsar star emitting huge amounts of radiation. The planet was a 'Super Earth' originally, thrown from its system as an orphan world and captured by the pulsar.
The multiple amounts of species that inhabited it were peaceful for the most part. Of course there were the few that felt passionate enough to call upon revenge, but the needs of the many often outweighs the needs of the few.
But at the same time, that doesn't stop them. Those revenge seeking species fight, causing chaos to the planet who simply wants to be left alone.
That's why they need him. The man who have committed genocide of more than one occasion. Surely he could stop them.
So, how do you summon The Doctor? Well, one day a woman arrived on a cargo ship, another downbeat refugee coming to the last stop, the last place that'd have her. She had heard a rumour, that if you dialled his number on the telephone, he'd answer.
They built a machine, that would redirect the caller right to him. Except no one knew that it worked or if he would even answer. But The Doctor is always busy saving someone.
She had hoped and hoped that if they were right about this telephone that he would come to put the conflict to an end.
Then one day, he finally did. The wonderful whirling sound sounded like a beautiful harmony to all those outcasts, that band of outcasts. The blue box was their saving light.
Everyone swarmed the blue box. When the Doctor opened the door, he was more than surprised.
He recognised many fallen races in the eager crowd, huddled together in rags and poverty. Draconians. Ice Warriors. Judson. Different coloured Raxacoricofallapatorians. Sontarens. Zarbi. Ood. Graske. To name but a few.
Some of the species left him cautious, but mostly, he was intrigued. He was called here. The phone in his Police Box wasn't even a real phone. How had they managed to call him?
Regardless of how, he was here now.
"Doctor," A voice from the crowd spoke to him. The crowd parted & there he was, Dalek Caan in his half destroyed casing exposing his one eyed tentacled body.
"How did you escape?"
"Three words" replied Caan, "emergency temporal shift."
"What are you up to?"
"I am not the villain here Doctor. We are the oppressed."
Still, the Doctor was cautious. A Dalek not intended on destruction couldn't happen. It wasn't right.
"You're oppressed?" The Doctor stated.
"Yes Doctor. We need your help. We are outcasts."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Help us, Doctor."
The Doctor asked, "what are you up to Caan?
There wasn't time to answer, a missile attack from the opposition started. They ran for cover, when it was over it was clear a small girl Raxacoricofallapatorian was killed. The Doctor held her body.
Dalek Caan, "you see now?"

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