The Black Heart Beats

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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by 'Livackv4', 'India,' & 'JamieKnightOnline. This is one of many 'unpublished' collaborations that I've had to finish myself and post on Wattpad. If you don't use Inkvite I'll try and explain why this is as best I can. I started this with 3 people, but one person abandoned the story without word, they didn't leave the story, just moved on, leaving me and the other writer waiting for our turn to write next. Over 6 months later I left the story, I presume since I created it this kills it. I wish I had the option to kick users who join my story, or some sort of time limit to write your next turn, but sadly this is one of the things the app needs to fix. Well, nothing's perfect. No hard feelings to the person who left us hanging. I only mentioned what happened to point out the flaws with the app, you can have a lot of unpublished collaborations due to this. In future I'll just mark these stories 'previously unpublished' or 'unreleased' and you'll understand a similar issue as above happened.

She held the black beating heart in her hands, oozing and pumping, pulsating in her palms. Ann contained her fear and disgust and tried to ignore the black blood droplets falling to the floor as she walked over to its jar and put it inside. Destroying it was not an option.
Once it was in the jar I put the lid on sealing it with duct tape, then I put it in my 'crash proof' box so the jar didn't break and damage the heart. When I had found it my friend said I should leave it, but did I listen? No this is my life now, deal with it! Ever since that night I knew that this was me people say I've turned into a monster but ever since that night I can't control it.
I had killed the man that raped me, struggled with him violently in the woods turning his own knife against my throat against him. He bled to death by the slit neck, as I sat traumatised I could see something trying to burst free from the dead man's chest. An animal? What?!
I still had the knife in my hand and some unknown force made me pry open his chest showing his rib cage and his heart... No other organs just a black heart that carried on to beat even after the light had left his eyes, I grabbed it and cradled it close to my own heart. The heart was still beating for some reason I could not dispose of it as the blood pumped it became even more tempting I sucked on the heart letting it's rich blood run through my veins.
It was a undeniable compulsion, I didn't know what came over me to do such a thing, I was consumed by sick desire and want. It beat hard in my hands.
And then I felt powerful, strong, satisfied as if I'd just taken a good hit of weed, relaxed, focused... hungry. Ravenous.
I did a silent prayer to the man which had nearly raped me, he had gave me the best gift. A new heart. When I walked forward power surged through my veins forcing me to break out into a run, I didn't stop once for breath. I had a new friend. The power controlled me and I couldn't break free. It's official I was a monster consumed with mad power & desire.
I came to a road not knowing where I was or what I wanted, full of anger, looking for trouble. I failed to thumb down a car, as it sped by me I shouted after it "damn you stop!" It did so, a man got out of the car & looked back at me bemused.

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