The Darkness

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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by 'S. A. Michaels', 'Willicker' & 'JamieKnightOnline'. There appears to have been at least a couple of other writers who were at least linked (but not necessarily who wrote anything) who then dropped out of the story. On collabs of more than two people this makes it hard to give credit as only the writers left standing at the end get a credit on the app. This is another unreleased one that needs work!

It all started late one night. It rose and collasped. It screamed and fought. It overtook all who tried to oppose it.

Nobody thought when the darkness fell it would be the end. No one expected it to last.

But it did. It's always there, waiting to take over, to take charge.
And it will never go away, such as a cheetah gazing sharply through a gazelle's pumping heart.
The dark is always watching.
It sleeps next to them at night, and they think it's gone when they wake up,
But it's not. Goosebumps corrode skin, smiles under your bed.
The darkness makes them scream in horror. How could something so simple seem so terrifying?
People wonder what it is, never expecting that it could be them. But it always is.
The worst part is not knowing. Not knowing what's out there. Not knowing what's to come.
Maybe that's why the darkness is winning. It has the benefit of fear and doubt. Nobody truly knows what it is, what it feeds on, what makes it so real, so powerful.
An unfathomable, yet invisible secretion, a mistress or a monster or a sinning gremlin smirking underneath that kitchen table of yours.
Families dwell on slumber ignoring this reality of unshakable fear, blatantly frolicking amidst the tips of their warm noses.
It dwells. It grows. It beckons. It resides closer to home than most people realise. If they had any sense they'd rip out their own hearts just to prove to themselves... there. There it is. The black heart beats. However, they do not & they wonder 'where does the fear grow?'
It grows simply from them. The humans. One simple story can turn into so much more. All is takes is one person to make a story explode, to form into an urban legend. Sure, the story changes from person to person. But that's not important as long as you tell the story.

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