Diseased Chaos

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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by 'Ericjay', 'Mercedemayhem', 'Libanator' & 'undormant'.

Nobody thought Ebola would ever greet them. It was on tv and tv was fake. When it came to America, it came with fervor and speed. Raging like a wildfire, it spread quicker than anyone projected. Panic ensued, and riots and looting followed. Was this the end?
The government told people not to panic, viewers of the news tried to kid themselves it was the latest media overhype.
But even Doctors & Nurses who followed the correct safety procedures got ill. Some people said they must've been doing something wrong, but they weren't.
Within a few weeks the disease had reached several states, leaving only a select few healthy. There was no way to quarantine the sick, the spread of the virus was impeccable. Some believe we should have seen this coming all a long and that it was the end of time for humanity. Forty odd years it had been around without being trouble, not spreading, or killing. It was forgotten about, thought of as not a threat but forty-five or so years later, look at it. Out of control.
Out of this chaos rose a woman, a strong woman, bent on saving her kids. "This will not take us!" She told herself. She had half a plan, to get a car and head north. They packed their essentials, and though she wasn't proud of it, she stole her friends car, it was best for them.
Rose was driving to Newfoundland in Canada. From Vermont USA it takes about 7hrs. However, this wasn't a normal day, others were getting the same idea, although most were still duped into thinking this would pass.
Traffic would be bad but no boarders had been closed yet.
"Mom where are we going?" Salter questioned from the backseat and a confused tone blended in with his worried looks.
"We're going on one of those trips you always wanted." Rose smiled at her son in the rear view mirror. He was fourteen and totally oblivious to what was going on.
"I'm not stupid, mum, I know that this isn't something you want to be doing."
He watched her in the mirror and she didn't reply, acted as if she hadn't heard him. They drove until they reached a road block, too many cars bottlenecked. "Shoot" she said. "Mom, there's people on the ground bleeding, let's get out of here." She was increasing in panic. At this rate they may never cross the block. "Alright, let's get out and walk."
They got out. Rose assessed the situation. People seemed agitated, sometimes all it took was small push to turn an unhappy crowd into a rampaging riotous mob.
They were hundreds of people walking in line by the side of the road like refugees towards the Canadian boarder.
Watching the people walk in a line like ducklings following their mother, Rose cursed under her breath and frantically looked around for some way out.
"Mom, look." Salter tugged on his mother's shirt and ushered in the opposite direction of the line of people. There was a way out at the end of the line but nobody was going in. Something was stopping them. "Soldiers! We're trapped I knew it." Said rose. "Mom these people are all sick, we gotta get out of here." They heard a megaphone from the front of the line. "Please back up, we will no longer allow anyone to cross over this barricade, it is for your safety."
Rose looked back at the car & saw yet another person coughing, gasping for breath. The man coughed up blood, that was enough for Rose.
"Fancy an off road hike to Canada kids?"
"This isn't going to end well is it mom?"
"Not for them maybe."
They got into the forest.
The tangle of trees and leaves covered their figures perfectly as they sought the safety of Canada. Although the forest was a good place to take shelter and cover from soldiers, it was the best idea when trying to afford the diseased.
"Mom look, there's the end of the forest! I can see Canada!"
At that moment, a bullet smashed into the car, a infected man started shoving the car, blood pouring from his nose. Another bullet came flying and hit the man."
Rose screamed, "Salter!"

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