The Leaking Islands

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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by 'Ryan', 'Airiski' & 'undormant'.

I clutched the damp sand, fearing it would dip once again below the noble gyres of the water. Assured the tepid sand would not move, I took in my surroundings. Once 50 sovereign plots, the storms had rearranged The Weeping Islands into fragments.
My fear ran deep, no matter how steadfast things seemed now. I stood up reluctantly, expecting the ground to buckle beneath me. How was such a mass like that of The Weeping Isles moved?
I looked above the horizon and saw only calm, collected waters. What a neurotic beast. I wondered if the storm would return. Maybe the better question was when.
Either way, I had only a little time to make the discovery. The books didn't know much about these isles, but they made one thing clear: every island revolved around some sort of centralized power. It was not clear wether that power was something, or someone.
There was a rumble beneath the cobble of the cave I retreated to. Panic washed over me. I remained calm and collective, though, quite honestly, a bravado was not necessary in an abandoned Ville.
Was this nature? Had our enemies mastered their weather machine? There had been a rumour they'd been working on something like that. They say the tsunami that flattened the coastal towns had been no freak of nature.
I had to find out; I had to know. I trekked through soggy earth and shallow, drawing closer to the heart of this anomaly.
And then I saw it, and it was magnificent. What it was, I can't really describe, but I knew one thing: the center of the Leaking Islands was purity.
I didn't have to know what it was. The awe that washed over me, the gaping state I was left in, I didn't need to know, because I understood.
Purity must triumph, and the Leaking Islands, once the Weeping Islands, were a fine sacrifice. A perfectly ironic sacrifice.

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