Party In The Woods

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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by 'Lyla', 'Jellyfishbaby', 'Rokku' (my other Inkvite profile used to join a story when we can't get someone to join) & 'undormant'. The picture shown here is an example of the chat facility within the story for the writers. 'Lyla' didn't get around to publishing and has probably forgotten about the app, so here it is.

It was always in the woods. Every single party in this town had to be held in the woods. "It's spooky,"
"It's got a big open space."
The only time it should have been acceptable to have a party in the woods was Halloween. At least then the woods would be slightly creepy.
The alcohol flowed and the music boomed, people danced & got raucous.
"Mandy," said Mel, "try and enjoy yourself."
"I am, really."
"Well tell your face, you know one day people will stop inviting you to things & I won't be able to convince them to let you tag along."
"I know I'm sorry, I'll try I promise" Mel left then to go speak to her 'friend' from maths. I think she just had a huge crush on him, she was always gazing at him. As for me I needed to find someone I knew to talk to otherwise this night was going to majorly suck.
I was lucky to find Simon who had always been nice to me, I could let down my guard. "It's just these woods" he said, "they are way creepy."
"Finally" I said, "someone who agrees with me, Mel didn't agree."
"Maybe she didn't hear about the murders."
"What murders?"
"You know, the moor murders."
"Funny Simon. Real funny." I thumped him as he let out a laugh.
"No,seriously though. About two years okay this entire wood was a crime scene. They even arrested someone but then let him go. Not enough evidence they said."
"Who was it? I've not heard about this."
"A certain maths friend talking to Mel right now. Duncan duh duh dur!!"
"Shut up" I laughed it off.
"Don't say I didn't warn ya!" He chirped, I smirked and raised an eyebrow.
The party continued and we got pretty smashed. All I could think about was the fact that Mel has a crush on a murderer but thats pretty normal for her. She's always had pretty rubbish taste in men but a murderer the more I looked at him the more on edge I felt especially when I saw him slip something into Mel's drink.
I wasn't sure if I imagined it, but when Duncan and Mel slipped off into the woods, I followed.
They lost me surprisingly easily, even though Mel had started to stumble.
When I found them ten minutes later Duncan was standing over her, she was unconscious, I screamed.

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