An Unnecessary Presence

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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by 'Mercedemayhem' & 'undormant'.

They were before her, carrying pitchforks and anything that could deliver damage to her delicate figure. Their faces were plastered with menacing and devilish looks as they watched her from outside her cabin. Abigail shivered in fear, not for her safety, but for theirs.
They smashed their way into the cabin and cornered her in cliched horror style.
"Nooo!" She screamed, partly out of fear for her safety, and partly for theirs.
The angel light she had been born with burst brightly from every pore and orifice filling the room.
Their eyes screamed amazement and fright. The light was blinding and called forth the need of pure actions. Although, the people that filled the cabin was dirty and covered in filth from all the horrible deeds done by their own hands.
I am a Nephilim, a half human half angel creature from a long line. I'd come back to my home town to find out more about my ancestry. My powers had only recently manifest themselves and all I had was rumour and suspicion to go on.
"Get out of our village, you freak!" A woman in the back of the group threw her torch in the air and other people followed along with her. There was no way to reason with them and nor was there a desire.
"I'm not a freak!" I screamed and threw my hands up in the air.
A man went to hit her with his baseball bat and it snapped in half over her arm, much to his surprise.
A woman run at her and she pushed at her in defence, the attacker went flying across the room with the strength of seven men.
Abigail became frozen as soon as she felt the soul leave the body of the woman she threw. It was another soul that wouldn't go to heaven or hell. It would be forever bound to her and haunt her for the rest of her extended life. She maybe an angel, but she felt like a demon.
The crowd surged on her, again a burst of light came forth. They ran off but she knew she couldn't stay.
She left that night taking little with her, it was clear her condition & history would never be explained.
She would try & find a normal, if secret, life somewhere.

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