Just Another Day

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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by 'WriterFanatic5000' & 'JamieKnightOnline'. Unfinished.

The bus ride to school is terrible, as usual. Sitting in front of me is my ex-best friend, Kyla. Ever since high school began, she started hanging with the populars. My other friends joined them as well. I have no one to help me when I'm bullied by the populars. I'm alone.
I never understood the way people changed. When we were little it was like we'd all be friends forever, laughing, playing and having fun. Then as we get older that falls away more and more and people start behaving differently. It matters to them how you look, what you wear, who your friends are. I shouldn't have been surprised that Kyla left as soon as she could. She always wanted to fit in, to be part of their crew.
When the bus stops in a new place, I am confused. New students are rare in our school. No one ever wants to move to our small town.
A new freshman got on the bus, I assumed so as he had books in hand & was about my age, 14 or 15 maybe. Hmm, joining the school in the middle of a term, why that had happened? It was probably just his mom or dad getting a new job or something but I couldn't help but wonder.
He walked down the aisle until he reached my seat.
"May I sit here?" He asked. He was an average height, with brown hair and brown eyes.
"Sure," I replied, a little confused on why he'd sit next to me. "I'm Katie."
"I'm Jacob."
I wasn't sure what I should say.
Kyla looked back at this socially awkward situation briefly then casually turned to Lisa, the 'popular' next to her and whispered in her ear a while.
Kyla had become good, well, better than the other girls, of being an 'undercover bitch'. A lesser girl would have smirked, but Kyla's smirk didn't even reach her eyes let alone a raised eyebrow or corner of the mouth. Her expression could almost be considered hateful, except for the fact that she didn't show any emotion at all. Jacob looked at me.
"Do you know her?" He asked, referring to Kyla.
"Kind of... she used to be my best friend, but how well do you really know anyone?"
Damn, I had a habit of pitching a conversation slightly above my age bracket, & whilst it was true to say relationships changed & people moved on this didn't seem appropriate. After all, it's easy to miss something when you no longer have it.
The rest of the ride went by pretty quietly. Small talk was made, looks were thrown our way, regular bus ride. School, however, was a different story. I showed him the office, and got ready for class.
As it turned out we had the same schedule. I was shocked but secretly happy to learn we both chose to major in psychology and minor in sociology. To my surprise he was still talking to me.

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