Charming Rosie

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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by 'Jellyfishbaby', 'Kelsey Morrison' & 'undormant' in 2 parts, here as one story.

I can't believe he is still trying to get me to go out with him. He is such a sleazebag and has probably slept with every girl in this school meaning he has to start on me. Charles may seem like a real country gentleman but he is the devil in disguise. Its like destiny hates me.
He actually brought me a snow white kitten today & said it was a gift for me. I couldn't believe it but she was a cute little thing. I took her home & hoped she'd share with my other cat Pebbles. Snow White & Pebbles got on well it was cute. It was a cheap trick by Charles. I wasn't going to fall for him just yet.
The next day at school he was waiting for me at my locker, wearing his handsome grin.
"Do you like the kitten?" he asked me.
"I do," I said.
"That's good," said Charles.
"But I'm giving it back," I added.
"What, you can't do that. I won't take her back and the shelter can't afford to take on any more animals"
"This is so unfair, you just keep coming around here with your smirk and your suit and your money and expect every girl to fall at your feet well I wont do that"
He grabbed me & kissed me in an embrace that I'm sure in his mind must've been something akin to Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire, a kiss and tilt back affair.
I considered it a sexual assault broke free from his grasp and 'kneed him in the nuts' as my grandma would've said.
"What did you do that for?" gasped Charles as he bent over in pain.
"I don't love you and I never will. Nothing you do will make me change my mind!" I replied coldly. "Leave me alone!" I felt slightly bad afterwards but not enough to apologise, I mean he had kissed me without my consent and the kitten too. Its just so unfair why can't he find someone else to play his little games with. I could never love him just like he could never truly love me.
He sent flowers to my house, put a Valentines card in my locker in October, of all times, sneakily hid a box of chocolates in my bag.
It was all a bit stalker like, but I secretly found him attractive, I just hated the way he'd gone about this. I simply didn't trust him.
I mean I still thought he was a stalker but a sweet one. He was always so thoughtful, it made me wonder if we might work. But every time I thought about it someone would tell me a new rumour about him which would push me away from him or thinking about him.
I agreed to meet him for lunch, I had to know if the rumours about him were true. I didn't necessarily expect the truth but felt I needed to confront him for my own peace of mind.
We sat down in a quieter part of the cafeteria and he smiled at me in a cute & charming way.
"I guess you've changed your mind about me," he said.
I shook my head. "No, I didn't change my mind. I agreed to go out with you only because I have some questions."
A worried expression instantly appeared on his face. "Go ahead and ask," he said reluctantly.
Breathing in I just couldn't think of a nice way to phrase it. "Are the rumours about you true ? Everyone's always on about what a heartbreaker you are. I just need to know if its true, cause I don't want to be hurt". I looked down at the ground waiting for him to answer.
"I've been out with a few girls," he replied, "but sometimes they cheated or we grew apart. Half of the other stuff isn't true."
"You've never cheated?"
"Yes, actually, I have cheated," he said, "but she cheated first. I was just getting her back. Tit for tat."
"I feel like you're lying about something. Something doesn't seem right. I feel like you're hiding something," I said.
"Then you don't understand me," said Charles. "You're just like the other girls. None of them understood me." "Then help me understand you. I want to know you better so let me. Let me in. Let me see the real you and then we can go from there " "Okay well I can try but I don't want to be hurt again. No-one understands but maybe you can. Maybe you could, at least your trying Rosie thanks"
So, the lesson is don't listen to mean girls, bitches and gossips, there's generally two sides to a story.
I don't know if this is going to work, I don't know if we can make it long term, but three months on we're good.
We're good together, it works, there is a chance.

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