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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by '40 the dawg', 'Lenore R. Vena', 'Ace' & 'JamieKnightOnline'.

There's a small pond in a marshy area outside the neighborhoods. It's the only one I know exists in the world I live in. But what's memorable about it is that it doesn't so much as ripple in a storm, and when the moonlight shines on it, you can almost see...into your thoughts. Like the jaws of the devil himself ripping his way into your soul [That's what they say].

I wait and watch the kids play, in the small playground filled with life.
'Luck them', I tear the small patch in my coat and reach for my pack of cigarettes.
"You ready?"
We held hands and jumped into the water and dunk beneath the murky water. As he opened his eyes, he couldn't see anything but the brown slushy color of the surrounding water, yet he had never seen so clearly in his entire life. What he was seeing was not a physical thing, but more of a feeling, an emotion; one that changes a person's life. And it was beautiful.
Greenish glows fluttered around-butterflies. It was a wonderful swarm that flapped their little wings with every beat of every heart. But that was a illusion, as we prepared to leave, the water shimmered with bright gold and silver refraction.
"I think we better go" George's scared voice came, before I watched him being taken away by swamp.
Spreading my hands forwards, I try to reach for him, "George!"
Suddenly, George was sucked beneath the surface of the water. Bubbles floated to the surface, creating a disturbance in the otherwise peaceful water. I went in after him, but could not hold my breath as I came up to get air. I looked on the surface; flat.

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