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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by 'Juliet November' & 'JamieKnightOnline'.

Keep in mind, not every story is supposed to have a happy ending, because this story isn't about a fairytale; it's about revenge.
In the dawn of the early morning I would wake, every day, to stroll into the forest. But on one particular day my life changed. My dad was killed.
They found his body face down in a shallow puddle in the very forest I take my morning walk in. I still do the walk, but now it's full of remorse, grief, hate and thoughts of sick vengeance on the person who did this.
I have a few ideas on that score.
First, I suspect my father's business rival, Dr. Alderman, Second, his ex-wife, Holly, and the list goes down from there. Today I investigate just how many people were involved in the actual murder of my father. But as I examined the crime scene, I didn't notice anything the forensics hadn't.
I made an excuse to go speak to Dr. Alderman, who wasn't available often. To avoid detection, I disguised myself as a new intern. Entering the building, my stomach was without butterflies, and I had every confidence that I was going to find something.
Hiding, I watched Dr. Alderman walk out of his office, and entered.
I looked around, hoping to find anything that could prove Dr. Alderman guilty. Sadly, I turned up with nothing. I sighed and wondered what I was doing. But then I remembered; my father was murdered, and I was going to find his killer. I continued to shuffle through papers.
Suddenly, the door creaked slowly open. A sudden creak, but a lifetime of those two seconds I looked to see it move, and I dived for cover in a good hiding place. Well, as good as could be crouched behind the desk. The footsteps that entered the room were slow and intimidating. I held my breath in a feeble attempt to maintain the quiet atmosphere.
Then a hand grabbed my shoulder, and I let out a squeak of surprise. It wasn't Dr. Alderman, but a boy. He crouched down in front of me.
"What are you doing here," I asked.
"I could ask you the same thing," he said.
"Well, uh, I'm sitting here, obviously." I sputtered nervously, trying to play it off.
The boy rolled his eyes.
"What are you doing in my dad's office?" He asked. My face became extremely pale.
"Uh...looking for him." I answered.
"Under a desk?" He inquired.
"I dropped a contact lens," I lied, I started crying.
"Erm, ok," he replied, "don't worry."
He offered me a hand to help me up. I took it and stumbled as I got up pulling us both to the ground. We locked eyes. He was only a boy of 22 I was twice his age, but we kissed.

It had been two weeks since my search in Dr. Alderman's office. He was a sly man with many secrets hiding in his closet, but he wasn't responsible for killing my dad. I just felt like I wasn't getting anywhere with this, and the boy, Quinn, wasn't helping.
I suspected Quinn was having an affair, I hid in the closet when he thought I was out and waited.
I found out to my dismay he was having an affair with Holy, his father's ex-wife, and his own step -mother.
After they made love I listened to their conversation.
"She has no idea what we're planning." Holly said with a victorious grin.
"Exactly," Quinn agreed, "which is why I need to string her along a little longer."
The was a tense silence that ensued.
"Quinn darling, that old hag isn't worth it." Holly insisted.
"If she keeps digging she'll find out what my father had to gain from the death of her dad."
"Money," Holly smirked, "power, influence? Of which she has none!"
Silence. Holly flung the cupboard open. Not every story has a happy ending.
"No," I screamed, "wait!"


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