The White Wisp

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Note: Originally written on Inkvite by 'Elizaa' & 'undormant' in 2 parts.

"My father is a selfish self absorbed hoarder, a sociopath with borderline Aspergers syndrome" I said, "my mother is a violent infantile with a serious mental health problem and a fixation on the supernatural."
For a second she didn't know how to respond.
I've had my fair share of supernatural occurrences in my short life, but never dreamed of telling my Father, I was terrified of the consequences if I did. What would he do? Most probably kick me out on to the streets to fend for myself.
"Tell me more" said the therapist, "As I tell you every week this is a secret meeting under the pretence of how you're getting on at school, not a lie as such, whatever else you tell me is confidential."
I replied, "I saw the same white wisp that my mother saw."
"Interesting, and what did this white wisp look like Tony?" The therapist replied.
"Just a white wisp, I can never quite make out what it looks like." I said. This is all I decided to reveal since I was still a bit skeptical about the whole 'confidential' thing.
I made my excuses & left, this gave me some initial relief before the quick realisation I'd have to leave school now & go home.
The entrance wasn't so bad, you didn't have to try too hard to get the front door open & the smell of wasn't that bad. Not that it was normal. Once I stepped inside I realised that nobody was home. Thank goodness. Being alone is one of my favourite things as sad as it seems. I suddenly saw the faint white wisp glide past the back door outside. Whenever I go to my sessions and talk about it, it always seems to appear.
The house was a mess, an understatement, there were clothes, boxes, trash, furniture, my fathers latest hobby crap, you name it, piled high. The front room wasn't even accessible anymore. One of my mothers China dolls lay smashed, one eye staring at me as I glanced around. The eye started rolling towards me as I backed away against the wall. Suddenly the doll started to get up, walking towards me. The legs were, what it seemed, put on backwards making her have to trail her legs behind her. It was one of the most disturbing scenes I'd witnessed.
I screamed, closed my eyes, backed away, slid down the wall as I hit it.
I sat there with my eyes closed crying, it seemed like hours, looking back it was about a minute.
When I opened my eyes my parents had arrived home, together unusually, mom said "did you do this?"
"What? Are you joking? Of course I didn't!" I replied shocked that she would accuse me. "Then who did?" She asked. I debated on whether to tell her about the doll since that was the only evidence. I quickly rushed up stairs to check it was still 'walking'. It definitely was. Then it collapsed on the floor in a heap. Mom came up after me and saw the doll.
"My Sally!" My mother was crying as she dropped to her knees and cradled the doll, she accused angrily "how could you do this!?"
My father had not followed, I knew instantly he had no interest.
"I didn't do it! I swear!" I shouted back. "Don't you dare shout at me after you've done this! You know how precious she was to me!" My Mother screamed back. She then turned towards the door and stormed out, quickly slamming it after.
I went to my room, I couldn't deal with their crazy antics or this mad white wisp ghost, or whatever the hell it was.
I took a mixture of Nytol, Ibuprofen, Tramadol & Codrydramol in small doses, stolen from my parents, to dull the world.
I glided as the white wisp rose.
The faint wisp travelled up towards the ceiling whilst giving off eerie sounds. Myself, being in the state that I was, tried to touch it. I was suddenly thrown against the wall as my back made an ear piercing crack. I screamed in agony whilst the white wisp came closer.
Nobody came to my assistance. I couldn't move. It spread itself over the ceiling like dry ice spilling from a beaker onto a lab workbench. I'd seen them put a rose into dry ice at school and seen it crumble in the teachers hands. It was a horrible thought, would it descend?
The white substance started leaking down the walls as I stared at it in a daze.The room was now all filled with the white wisp. Suddenly, my throat was constricted and I was struggling to take in a breath. I slowly started to lose my vision as blackness overtook my sight...

The room was blackening unnaturally as the White wisp descended. I watched from the floor, vision swirling as my bedroom door slowly opened by itself.
My mother liked playing her records loud as she danced around, much like a seven year old to my eyes. She danced on the landing, it was like she hadn't seen me, as 'Being Boiled' by the human league played. The strangling sensation around my throat decreased as I let out a long and rugged breath. As I did this, my Mothers neck snapped to where I was sitting. I noticed that her eyes were pure black.
Terror filled every part of me as she glided down the corridor. She neared me, I blacked out. I awoke the next morning in my bed, my mother was beside me sucking her thumb looking innocent & childlike. She sometimes did this, harmless if disturbing. Her eyes were normal.
I checked my other surroundings, the same old boring room. Plain white walls with an old fashioned interior as my parents were too lazy to renew it. As my vision veered towards the door I saw the white wisp, once again, float past, seemingly harmlessly.
Then it was gone. Disturbed by my fathers sudden angry screaming and shouting from downstairs perhaps. I wondered if the wisp caused their behaviour sometimes.
He was swearing as he burst into my room with a heavy PC tower and threw it at me with all his strength.
I screamed in agony as it hit me in the chest causing my breathing to turn shallow. "How dare you! You think you can go around breaking MY things!? You ungrateful child!"
"I didn't do it!" I tried to scream back but the heavy weight, still on my chest, was causing difficulty.
She sat up screaming at my father, pleading for me. He started to take his belt off, she put herself between us.
"Fine," he said to my mother, "I'll beat you instead!"
I let him do it, I looked away, a few whips of the belt, he left.
"Look what you made him do!"
She ran out of the room shortly after my Father left, probably to clean the wounds. I felt awful. I shouldn't have let her do that for me. She may not be much of a Mother at other times, but this definitely proved she loved me, unlike my Father.
I stayed out of their way over the weekend and spent most of my time in the abandoned treehouse in the private woods at the back of the house.
At school on Monday the therapist or whatever she called herself wanted to speak to me.
I guessed it couldn't hurt to talk.

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