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A/N: Hello! So excited for this... just wanted to mention that this fic does include a couple from one of my other fics, Timeless. It's not necessary to read it, but it would help you understand the dynamic between Rhea and Niall better! 

Warning: This story is going to talk about pregnancy issues. This part contains smut! 18+ only, please. 

 Oh and 'beta' is a endearment parents use for their kids in Hindi. It means "child"

It's 2 am on a Friday and Gia Malhotra has yet to go to bed

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It's 2 am on a Friday and Gia Malhotra has yet to go to bed.

Well, technically, she spent the majority of the day in bed and that's her justification for her ungodly bedtime. Luckily for Gia, there's decaf coffee — and the familiar, soul-soothing sound of her Keurig spurting to life is all she needs. Her dark eyes focus on the drip of the liquid, the smell of fresh Colombian brew waking up every exhausted muscle in her body. She's so focused on the machine that she almost forgets about the phone pressed between her cheek and shoulder.

"Gia, is that your fucking Keurig? It's 2 in the morning."

The incredulous voice of her assistant tears her eyes away from the glorious brew. Her gaze shifts to the clock on her oven a few feet away, confirming the time before she sighs. "It's decaf," she insists. "Plus, I slept in until noon today. It's fine."

Her assistant, Jenna, yawns. "You're nuts," she says, quietly. "Are you feeling better though?"

Before Gia can respond, Jenna interjects, "Don't lie. I can handle stuff tomorrow, G. Just tell me the truth."

Gia sets her phone down on the counter and puts it on speaker, reaching into her fridge for the hazelnut creamer she loves. "No, seriously, Jenna, I'm okay. I stopped throwing up yesterday..." she pauses as she pours a good amount of creamer into the now ready coffee. The steam from her Halloween themed mug swirls into the air, crawling up the Keurig like wisteria. "And tomorrow is too big of a day for me to miss."

A rather untimely bout of food poisoning hit Gia earlier in the week, leaving her bathroom ridden on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Yesterday she'd finally gotten all of the Korean BBQ out of her system, but she didn't have enough strength to leave her bed. Jenna had come by to bring her some chicken soup, aghast that Gia hadn't even let anyone know she was so sick. She'd been running her event planning business through phone calls and emails.

"Well... okay," Jenna says. "You ready to go over the itinerary for tomorrow?"

Malhotra Memories is an up and coming event planning agency in the Los Angeles area, not a simple feat considering how competitive the scene is. While there are more than enough events in a single night to cover in Hollywood, what mattered is who is throwing the event. The event they have tomorrow — a wedding reception — would take the company to a whole new level. While Gia is adamantly against dipping into the wedding side of the industry, she can't deny how excited she was to be approached by a couple to plan their reception. They'd seen her work at an industry after party and the bride was taken by Gia's attention to the smallest details.

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