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Warning: This story contains content that revolves around pregnancy issues. Please read with caution! This chapter also contains smut. Please read with discretion!

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22 weeks

Gia wakes up to the feeling of kisses being pressed to the back of her shoulder and neck. Her eyes remain shut as the first smile of the day slides onto her face. Her toes curl under the sheets as she spreads her legs out. His arm tightens around her waist when he realizes she's stirring, palm spread out in it's usual spot against the curve of her belly.

His hand brushes her hair aside, towards the top of the pillow so he can get closer. His lips brush against her skin, slowly, carefully. Each kiss is pressed with utmost care and consideration, ever so gently pulling her out of her sleep. He hasn't shaved in a few days and the brush of his beard against her skin is ticklish, but soothing too.

Niall trails his lips down her upper arm, continuing their path as his hand slides down her side. Gia lets her head rest back against his chest, her smile bolder now. Her eyes are still closed, pretending to be asleep. Niall's propped himself up on his elbow, watching her face with amusement.

The rustling sound of the comforter being moved aside fills the quiet morning air in the bedroom. When his hand dips between her legs, rubbing her through the fluffy pajama pants she's taken to sleeping in lately — Gia's eyes fly open. She lulls her head back to look up at him. He looks so good, she almost forgets all about his fingers. His hair is sleepy, tousled left and right and a sign of a good sleep. The corner of his mouth lifts in a welcoming grin when he sees her staring up at him. When her legs fall open effortlessly for him, his eyes light up.

"Morning, baby," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to her temple. His nose nudges the spot after, the gesture so sweet in comparison to the ravenous look in his eyes and the pressure of his fingers. He draws his hand back upwards, slipping underneath the waistband of her pants, then her panties. When his fingers press against her with no barrier in between, a surprised moan is Gia's first sound of the day.

He chuckles into the top of her hair, "Did ya sleep well then?"

"Mmmm," Gia hums, reaching her hand back for him.

Niall leans down, making it easier for her. He presses a kiss to her shoulder as her fingers find the nape of his neck.

His fingers brush up and down her slit, making Gia's hips lift up off the bed, chasing after them.

The moan of his name from her lips is hushed, but sexy as hell, and if Niall wasn't already sporting a severe case of morning wood — he would be now.

"Feels good, mumma?"

Gia hums in response, her eyes fluttering open again to stare up at him. Niall meets her hooded gaze and he smirks, "What is it, baby? What do ya need?"

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