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25 weeks

For the time being, everything has settled down between Gia and Niall. He's still bothered by her refusal to tell him anything — but he doesn't want to be the cause of her stress. He knows he shouldn't have gotten so cross with her and he's already heard more then an earful from Rhea about what happened. They aren't exactly back to being as close as they were a few weeks ago, but they're no longer skirting around the house to avoid each other.

In fact, they've even managed to pick out some things for the nursery they're setting up in one of Niall's spare bedrooms. The walls are set to be lilac, not pink — with white furniture waiting to be built because Niall insisted he wanted to do it himself and gold accents to make the room stand out. It's all waiting to be put together in the next few weeks.

Niall's blown away by the fact that there's just about 3 months left in Gia's pregnancy. It had all gone by so fast — meeting each other, learning that she was pregnant, moving in together. A big part of him regrets that they'd been fighting these past few weeks because he'll never be able to get them back.

It's a Saturday when everything comes crashing to a halt.

At first, it doesn't start off any differently than Niall expected it to. When he'd woken up, Gia was still fast asleep. He'd decided to head to the gym since she was exhausted, leaving after dropping a kiss to the top of her head. She'd been complaining about a headache the night before so he wanted her to sleep in as much as she needed. By the time he got back home, there was a package sitting on his doorstep.

As he shuffled into his kitchen, out of breath and sweaty from his workout, he takes notice that the box is addressed to him and Gia — sent from his mother. It explains why the box is so fucking big, he thinks. He sets it down on the counter, about to call out for Gia, but he realizes the house is completely silent. His eyes flash to his phone, brows knitting together when he sees the time.

It's nearly 1pm, and while Gia likes to sleep in, she's never done it this late.

He finishes off his water bottle and heads up the stairs to his room. He can spot the top of her head sticking out from under the duvet and the smile that lights up his face is effortless as he walks over to her side of the bed. He slowly lowers himself onto the edge, setting his hand down on her hip. He pulls the covers away from her face, sneaking a kiss to her cheek. "Gia," he murmurs, hand rubbing her side. She lets out a whine but nuzzles into his palm when it cups her cheek.

Niall chuckles under his breath, letting his thumb brush back and forth across her skin. Her eyes flutter open slowly and she gives him the most grumpy, adorable frown he's ever seen and in that moment he can only hope that their daughter looks exactly like her. He never wants to forget this face. "Morning, sleepy."

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