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Warning: This story contains content that revolves around pregnancy issues. This chapter also contains smut. Please read with discretion!

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21 weeks

Gia never thought she'd have sex on a kitchen counter.

The thing is, she isn't exactly adventurous when it comes to sex, but after what happened last week with Niall — she's become a bit more relaxed. After all, every time she thinks about how her legs were shaking in the bath after, she gets horny all over again. This baby is wreaking havoc on her hormones, making her think about Niall's touch, his words, him — all day, all the time.

In the back of her mind, she'd like to blame her current situation on the hormones and that day in the kitchen for her lack of self control — but she knows well enough that's not the complete reason why she and Niall have been having sex practically every day since.

Which is why she's not entirely thinking straight, climbing into his lap in the middle of their movie night. He got a haircut yesterday and looks unbearably good. With his hand on top of her thigh, his thumb caressing the soft skin as he watched the screen — Gia can't help but forget all about the film.

Her shirt and bra are flung across the room before she knows it, Niall's hands all over her, set on touching as much of her skin as he can. He's been extra careful with her breasts, but now that they aren't too sensitive he's all for giving them some attention. His mouth closes around one of her nipples, warm and hot, making Gia arch her back.

Her slow, but steady rhythm on him falters and Niall smirks up at her, releasing her nipple with a pop. He brushes a wet kiss to her right breast, his hands rising from her thighs to her hips. "Why'd you stop, darlin? Hmm?"

"Don't.." Gia begins, trailing off as Niall's hands help her pick up her rhythm again. She lets out a moan when he shifts his feet, lifting his hips up and reaching deeper. "Don't play dirty," she manages to get out, losing her train of thought yet again.

It's hard to think of anything else except the heat of his cock — bare inside her. She can feel every vein. It's a good thing he's got a steady hold on her, because Gia can feel her orgasm creeping up — threatening to wash over her like a tumultuous wave.

Niall's hands find her thighs again now that she's going on her own, his palms spreading across their entirety. He's breathless, his styled hair mused and messy from Gia's fingers. His mouth is bright pink from all the kissing. He glances up at her as she rides him, leaning back against the couch to really watch her. "Thought you liked it when I was dirty with you," he murmurs.

Gia's nails dig into his shoulders in retaliation, but Niall doesn't mind the sting.

He's not sure what to focus on first, the way her silhouette is backlit from the light of the tv, her breasts, or the curve of her belly. Every inch of her is so beautiful. "Fuck," he puffs out, squeezing her thighs. "You're so fucking sexy, Gia. Look at you..."

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