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27 weeks

Niall's walked the hallway to his guest room more times now than he has since he bought his home. He's counted the amount of steps it takes to get there from his living room — fifty exactly. He stops in the doorway of the room, rubbing the back of his neck as he peeks in.

Gia's sitting on top of the made bed, her arms crossed over her chest as she watches the tv. When Niall comes into view, her gaze shifts from the screen to him momentarily. There's still a certain frustration present in her eyes, the same one from earlier in the day, but the fire has died down a bit.

Niall clears his throat, walking into the room. He glances at the tv, watching the episode of Chopped with her for a minute or two before he speaks up. "I was gonna head to Rhea and Harry's," he says. "Do ya want to come with me? Mira will be there."

Gia contemplates his inquiry, but only for a moment. She shakes her head. "I can't, I'm on bed rest, remember?"

Niall should've seen that one coming, but nonetheless his jaw locks automatically. He sighs and glances down at his feet. Obviously she's still upset about what happened this morning.

It was one of the rare times that Gia had come out of the guest room. She'd settled on the couch for the day, especially since it was long enough for her to be comfortable on.

Niall had left to take a quick shower, his hair still dripping as he came into the room. He could hear her voice echoing up the staircase and it was a tone he knew all too well. That's why he wasn't surprised when he walked into the living room to find Gia with her laptop perched on her lap, her work phone squished between her cheek and shoulder, and a familiar blue binder sitting next to her.

"I understand, Jenna," Gia grumbled. Her brows were knitted together in anger and she was typing rapidly on her laptop. "But you need to stress to them that everything needs to be done on time. I won't be able to be there to make sure this one goes through correctly."

Niall frowns, stopping behind the couch. She's using her frustrated voice and she's stabbing her keyboard to work through it. When she grabs the binder and starts talking in a harder voice, bringing up catering options and security for musicians, he clears his throat.

Gia tears her eyes away from her work, looking at him with a hint of annoyance. Her hair is up in a high ponytail and she doesn't look nearly as tired as she did when they got home a week ago, but Niall can't help but detect signs of underlying exhaustion.

"Hold on, Jenna," Gia mumbles, before moving the phone. "What?"

Niall tilts his head at her, "Baby, the doctor told ya not to stress out."


He scoffs and shakes his head at her in disbelief, "You're stressing."

Gia's eyes narrow at Niall. "Dr. Patel said I can work one hour a day. I can't just drop my business entirely, Niall."

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