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warning: This story is going to talk about pregnancy issues.

warning: This story is going to talk about pregnancy issues

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- Two Months Later -

7 weeks

September ushers in the beginnings of autumn, slowly but surely like the last leaf to turn rusty orange on a tree. While Los Angeles isn't exactly the most beautiful place in the world to experience the season, Gia has never let that hold her back.

No, her house is decorated in full spirit — autumn floral sets, pumpkins and other Halloween decorations she's collected throughout the years. When she was younger, her parents didn't decorate much and when she got her own place she took it into her hands to make sure she enjoyed her favorite time of the year.

Even now, a lazy Sunday afternoon, she's decked out in a pair of plush Halloween pajama pants and a dark purple t-shirt with a pun about skeletons on it. Willow, her best friend for all intents, purposes, and the long-haul that is life — is seated across from her in similar attire. She's sporting a pair of sleep shorts patterned with ghosts. Gia has three autumn candles flickering throughout the main floor of her home, filling the air with a comforting but not overwhelming presence.

"Are you sure you only want two?" Gia asks her best friend, focused on flipping the pumpkin flavored pancakes she is making.

"Yeah," Willow replies, working on making them lattes. "Just for now. We can have more later, right?"

Gia laughs and turns the stove off, pushing Willow's plate towards her. "Yes. Bon appetite, best friend."

Willow trades her a mug for the plate, pushing her fork into the fluffy pancakes. She makes sure to get a bit of the whipped cream on top before taking a bite.

Gia smiles into her mug when Willow moans, her eyes fluttering shut. When she opens them again, she smiles big. "You are a culinary genius. Why do I have to wait until this time of the year for you to make me these?"

"You don't," Gia insists, leading them to her living room where they'd already settled their spots on her two couches. "I can make them for you whenever you want, you know that."

"I know. I need to start being for selfish with your culinary skills," Willow replies, shifting into her blanketed cocoon.

"They're limited to breakfast food," Gia warns her, grinning. She picks up the remote and hits play. The menu for Hocus Pocus pops up and she hits play once more before taking another sip. "If you make coffee for the rest of our lives and I make breakfast food, I think we'll settle into a nice relationship, you know."

"I'm sure your mother would love that," Willow replies, giving Gia a knowing look.

Gia snorts in response. She takes a bite of her own pancakes and then smiles at her best friend. "I've missed you. I'm so sorry we haven't gotten together in so long, work has been insane."

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