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Warning: This story contains content that revolves around pregnancy issues. Please read with caution! This chapter also contains smut. Please read with discretion!

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28 weeks

Niall learns to revel in the little victories as the weeks pass by. While every beat of his heart craves being close to Gia all the time, he's forcing himself to be as patient as he can. Whether it's her letting him watch tv with her during the day or them working on the nursery together, Niall's learned to cherish whatever moments he gets with her.

Which is exactly why he's gotten up so early on a Saturday morning to make her a nutritious breakfast. Since they've gotten home from the hospital, Niall's become a bit of a part time chef. While bed rest and fluids were important to making sure Gia's condition didn't get any worse, the doctor had also recommended a low sodium diet. The website she'd given Niall was something he liked to scroll through when he had free time — something he had a lot of since he'd put all promo and album things on hold. He needed to be there entirely for Gia and the baby without any distractions.

He's slicing up some avocado with a wrinkled nose when she shuffles into the kitchen. He tries to ignore the way his heart stills when she appears — all cozy and still a bit sleepy. She's wearing a fluffy robe and looking around curiously at all of the ingredients, plates, and pans he has spread out.

"What's all this?"

"Breakfast, baby," Niall tells her, gesturing for her to take a seat with the spatula he has in his hand. The pet name comes to mind without hesitation and Gia doesn't look bothered by it, so he takes it as a temporary win. "Do you want me to make ya some toast too or do you just want the avocado by itself?"

Gia doesn't answer right away, watching Niall with what can only be described as real life heart eyes. She rests her cheek against her palm as she watches him move around the kitchen. He's not wearing an apron, but he has a dish towel thrown over his shoulder and with his sleepy bed hair and the scruff he's sporting — he looks like every woman's dream.

She lets out a soft sigh, continuing to watch him with dreamy eyes. Ever since he found her in the nursery crying, he's been trying harder and harder to be sweet with her without hovering. Although, Gia can't say she entirely minds the doting. He's always bringing her water, looking at her with underlying concern and a sense of overwhelming love — but it makes her feel guilty.

Guilty for not forgiving him yet, for going back to the guest room every night, for making him feel shut out of the pregnancy. Her parents had indeed been calling for updates, pretending to care for the sake of caring, and Niall had been handling both her and them like a champ.

"Earth to Gia," Niall says, waving his hand in front of her face.

Gia blinks and her vision comes back into focus, giving her a clear view of the absolutely radiant grin Niall is sporting. It should be illegal to look that good in the morning, she thinks, before she finally responds, "Just the avocado, please."

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