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Warning: This story contains content that revolves around pregnancy issues. Please read with caution!

a/n: hello - just wanted to pop in and say there's been some confusion about the timeline in this chapter. yes, i deliberately fucked with the timeline to make the birthday scene work. it's fiction. it's not a big deal. just pretend the math adds up. you'll see why i made the decision in the next chapter. thank you for reading. x

30 weeks

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30 weeks

Niall has glanced over at Gia from the driver's seat at least four times now. She's trying to act like she can't catch his sneaky little glances, but that's only because she knows if she meets his curious gaze, she'll give away just how nervous she is.

As if he can sense this, Niall reaches over the console and takes her hand in his. His fingers and touch are familiar, comforting as always, and Gia lets out a breath. The drive to the Styles house isn't too long and she recognizes the street Niall is turning on. Today's a big day. Niall's goddaughter is turning one.

It's not that Gia isn't excited to see Rhea and Harry and finally get to meet the little girl that takes up a good chunk of adorable memory space on Niall's phone, it's just that she's nervous. It's the first time she's seeing them since she was in the hospital and she's more than aware Niall told them about the problems they were having.

What really bothers her is the idea that she'd lose the little family, the support group she'd been so lucky to have. That feeling she had the last time they were all together is still fresh in her mind — a place of comfort, of safety. She just hopes her inability to speak up hasn't wrecked the only family she's ever known.

The house is already buzzing with guests by the time they pull up, but Niall pulls his car into the garage next to Rhea's. "Hold on, baby," he tells Gia before unbuckling his belt and slipping out. He walks over to her side of the car, trying to take one of the gifts from her.

"You have to let me carry them," Gia mumbles, taking his hand and getting out of the car.

Niall gives her a reluctant smile but lets her, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. "Did I tell ya you look absolutely beautiful today?" He means it. He could barely keep his eyes on the road because of how radiant Gia looked. She's wearing a green dress, a color that only she could truly pull off, and she's left her hair down in their natural waves.

"Yes," she replies as they step into the house. "Not as good as you, though."

Niall is ready to counter her words when a group of children run by, screaming and giggling. His eyes widen as he feels the rush of air hit him. "Looks like we got here just in time, c'mon, let's go find my birthday girl."

He leads Gia into the house that's decorated with balloons, streamers, and everything else a little girl could want. In hindsight, Gia knows that Mira won't remember this party at all — but seeing how excited Niall is makes it all worth it. She can imagine that Harry and Rhea are feeling the same way.

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