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11 weeks 

Warm — safe — neither are sufficient enough words to describe how it feels to wake up with Niall.

Gia thinks, there's most likely a special word out there, something with lots of letters and syllables that run together in perfect harmony. Something that sounds absolutely exquisite — one of those words that you know means something special; something deep. Two weeks of being with Niall and waking up with his front pressed to her back warrants a particular word, something that can only begin to describe the feeling she's gotten so accustomed to, yet so unsure of how to define.

Every morning is the same, but it's different too.

Some mornings one of his legs is pushed between hers, or her cheek is pressed against his bare chest, or his face is buried in the back of her neck. But one thing that never changes, no matter what position they've tossed and turned into — is the protective warmth of his bare palm spread against her tummy.

Gia's just barely started to show, the curve of her stomach fits against Niall's palm like it's the most natural thing in the world. Just before they'd fallen asleep last night, he'd murmured about how she's growing.

 Gia had been on her side, Niall on his, both of them talking sleepily about their days, winding down. He'd been listening to her talk about her progress on the big Republic Records project when his eyes flickered to her tummy. At first, she thought he was looking at his shirt on her. She hadn't realized on that first night she'd stolen his shirt, but after that, he was quite adamant about lending her anything she wanted to wear. Some of his long sleeved shirts were so soft, it would be a crime to deny herself the comfort.

When his eyes focused on her stomach for the third time in the past minute, Gia smiled. "And then, well, I told him that he could sell the baby if he wanted."

There was no reaction from Niall and Gia laughed, which is finally what broke his gaze.

"What are you laughing about?" He hummed, in that deep voice of his. The one she got to hear right before bed and early in the morning. It made her curl her toes under the comforter.

"You haven't listened to a single thing I've said, have you?"

Niall pouted while scooting closer to her, "I was listening, darlin. It's just..." he lifted his hand carefully from under his cheek, bringing it towards her. He meets her eyes before it settles on her tummy. "Don't ya think you're starting to show? I mean..." he pressed his palm firmly against her bare skin, brushing the fabric of his shirt aside. "Baby's growin real good."

He looked so awestruck and his eyes were so reverent; full of love. Gia peeked up at him through her lashes. It took everything in her not to scoot the last inch and press her lips to his. Niall stuck to his word, he loved watching the baby grow and he commented on it regularly, yet no matter how many times he said something — the same wonder and adoration were always there in his eyes and smile.

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