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Warning: This story contains content that revolves around pregnancy issues. Please read with caution!

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29 weeks

As 7 months of being pregnant rolls around, Dr. Patel suggests that Niall and Gia attend a birthing class. Gia's a little nervous about going. She's kept up with reading all the pregnancy books and while she generally understands the concept that her body is made to do this — it's still all a little frightening.

But with Niall by her side, things are always easier.

"Stop it," he murmurs in her ear, lifting one of his hands away from her tummy. He takes the hand she has positioned in front of her mouth, nervously chewing at her nails. He intertwines his fingers with hers and brings their clasped hands to his lips, brushing kisses across her knuckles. "I can feel you stressing, baby."

Gia peeks up at him, tilting her head back. From the position both of them are in, it's the only way she can see him. He's seated behind her, legs spread so she can slot herself between them. She's leaning back against his chest and he has both his arms around her. "I'm just nervous," she whispers, biting into her lower lip.

Niall sighs and drops her hand, wrapping his free arm around her shoulders. He presses his lips to her temple and Gia closes her eyes as he gathers her close. "I know ya are. But m'gonna be with you the entire time."

"Yeah but you're not the one pushing a baby out of your-"

Niall laughs into the top of her hair before she can finish her sentence and Gia pouts at him, turning in his arms so she can get a better look. "Baby," he says. "You're right. But I know you can do it. Look how far you've come already."

When Gia doesn't respond Niall presses his thumb into the corner of her mouth, making her release her bottom lip from the harsh grip. "You're going to bring our little girl into this world and I'll be right there with you. S'not going to be easy," he admits. "But that's why we're here, right? To learn."

"Yeah," Gia admits, but her eyebrows are still furrowed together in obvious fear.

"Come here," Niall murmurs, bringing her closer to him. He brushes kisses all over her face — her cheeks, her forehead, by her nose. He keeps doing it until the frown disappears from Gia's face and she laughs, pushing at his chest because his scruff is tickling her skin.

It's only the sound of the class instructor that pulls them apart. Niall brings Gia back into his chest as the instructor starts introducing herself. Gia glances around the class at the other couples. There's a few other mommy and daddy pairs, but she's also seen a few same sex couples and it makes her happy. A few times she catches lingering stares on her and Niall, but for the most part everyone seems to be both relaxed and nervous at the same time.

The instructor goes through basic introductions with all the parents, each of them talking about their pregnancy briefly. When their turn comes around, Gia's surprised that Niall's the one to speak up. "We're having a girl," he says proudly. The way his eyes shine when he says those words is enough to send her into a fresh bout of tears. But he meets her eyes and the urge slowly drifts away. "Gia's 7 months and she's kicking pregnancy's ass," Niall says proudly, making all the other couples chuckle.

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