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Warning: This story contains content that revolves around pregnancy issues. Please read with caution!

a/n: hello - just wanted to pop in and say there's been some confusion about the timeline in the last chapter. yes, i deliberately fucked with the timeline to make the birthday scene work. it's fiction. it's not a big deal. also, you'll see why i did it in this chapter.

31 weeks

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31 weeks

After her conversation with Rhea, Gia feels much more confident about the idea of talking to Niall. Yet when she's faced with the task of starting the conversation a few days later, she remembers exactly why this idea is so daunting to her.

Niall's sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap, occasionally glancing up at the tv screen where a soccer game is playing on mute. He looks so cozy, in a nike crewneck and a pair of sweats. Gia's watching him from around the corner, praying he doesn't look in her direction and catch her quiet observation of him. She nervously fiddles with her fingers, watching as he types away on his laptop.

It's raining in Los Angeles, something that Gia's always loved. Niall has the curtains in the living room open and it's the perfect view of the furious rain pelting down the glass. The house is quiet and Gia's supposed to be napping, but it only took a few minutes of her tossing and turning to realize that if she's going to do this — it's now or never.

Slowly she moves into the living room, approaching Niall. He looks surprised when he sees her, giving her a soft smile as she walks up to the couch. "What're ya doing awake, mumma?"

"Couldn't sleep," Gia mumbles.

Niall moves his laptop to the side, offering her a helping hand as she sinks down into the couch. It's getting harder and harder for her to sit and get up on her own. Niall's hand finds the small of her back once she's settled next to him, rubbing in circles. "Gonna sit with me for a bit?"

Gia nods, leaning her head against his shoulder.

Niall drops a kiss on her forehead before bringing his laptop back into position. His screen reveals that he's going through some emails. Gia snuggles into his skin, her eyes focused on the rain melting down the glass. It looks almost like a fountain — the constant rhythm and flow of the water is calming.


"Yeah baby?"

Nerves clog up Gia's throat and she feels the familiar sense of panic washing over her. She turns her face, hiding it against the fabric of his crewneck. Why is she like this? Why is it so difficult for her to start this conversation? She lifts her hand and hooks it around Niall's arm, squeezing it as she squeezes her eyes shut.

"I want to talk to you," she mumbles, voice muffled. "About... about my parents."

She can feel Niall's body freeze next to hers and his arm shifts gently. She hears the sound of his laptop closing and then his lips are pressing to the top of her head. "Yeah?"

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