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23 weeks

Niall knows he promised not to push Gia on telling her parents, but ever since last week, he hasn't been able to get the idea out of his mind. There's something about the entire situation that's throwing him off and he doesn't like it. He doesn't know why it bothers him so much that Gia doesn't want to tell her parents, but it's slowly beginning to eat him alive.

That's why he brings it up on a Monday morning as both of them get ready. Gia's got a busy week with preliminary meetings for the Republic Records event. She's been coordinating schedules and making sure that this first round of look throughs on her company's progress goes well. Niall's on his way to New York and then Australia for the rest of the week for promo events.

Gia's furiously tapping away at her laptop at the dining room table, her morning cup of coffee has gone cold and she's double checking the presentation before she heads into work. Niall's in his kitchen, watching her as he packs the last few things into his carry-on bag. She's wearing a navy colored dress shirt and a black pencil skirt, her long black hair is down and Niall can still smell the reminiscent scent of her citrusy shampoo.

"Darlin, m'about ready to go," Niall calls as he walks around the kitchen counter and into the dining room. He tries not to pay attention to the perpetual mess that's been there the past week, the samples, the ideas, the never ending pile of sticky notes filled with Gia's looping penmanship. He'd told her he didn't mind taking an Uber but she insisted on wanting to drop him off at the airport.

She doesn't hear him the first time. In fact, it's not until Niall ever so gently rubs his hand on her upper back does Gia notice his presence. She blinks at him, her brows pressed together in both frustration and concentration as they had been all week.

Niall sighs, bringing his hands up to rest on her shoulders. Her rubs her arms up and down and presses his lips between her brows, making them jump apart with the gentle gesture.

Gia echoes his sigh and follows it with a frustrated whine as she leans against his chest, burying her face in his neck while he rubs her back. "I'm sorry," she mumbles.

"For what, love?" Niall asks, peering down at her.

"I was listening, I promise. I'm just so stressed about these meetings," Gia says.

"It's alright. Hey," Niall says, coaxing her out of her resting place. Gia looks up at him with guilty eyes and Niall shakes his head, "I know you've got a lot on your plate. You're going to do great. You worked your ass off on this project."

That makes Gia finally smile, her eyes twinkling, "Oh, you're interested in my ass huh?"

Niall chuckles, letting his hand trail down her back and rest right on the swell of her ass. "Dunno, love, what do you think?"

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