drabble: the one where Mira gets jealous

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Niall walks from the grill over to the table, peering into the baby carrier with a big smile. His 6 month old daughter, looks back at him, her blue eyes previously focused on the blue sky. A gummy smile appears when she sees him, her little fingers are in her mouth, but she manages a big smile for him.

Niall laughs before he reaches for her hand and pulls it out of her mouth. "Hi baby," he hums. "Are you having fun?" He wipes her little hand off on the bib they keep tucked in the corner of the carrier before pressing a little kiss to it. He puts her little hand down on her tummy but she's lifting it almost immediately, bringing it back towards her mouth.

"No, no, no," Niall says, quickly gathering her tiny, chubby little hand into his. He starts unstrapping her from the carrier with his other one, carefully hoisting her up and into his arms. "We talked about putting your fingers in your mouth, didn't we Isabella?"

Gia comes out of the house with a tray of fresh fruit in one hand. She sets it on the back table and hands Niall a light blue pacifier, "Here give this to her," she says, smiling as their daughter cuddles into Niall. He presses a kiss to the top of her head. She has so much hair now, they have to put it into two pigtails on the top of her head to keep it out of her face.

Isabella takes the pacifier without protest, resting her head against Niall's shoulder. Gia makes sure the table is all set with plates and all the food is ready to go while Niall fixes Isabella's little dress. It's blue dress with pink flowers around the hem. It's one of the many dresses her godparents had sent for her.

Niall glances at Gia who is wearing a nice sundress herself and he scoots closer to her. Gia looks up at him in confusion until she sees the look in his eyes. Her gaze falls to his, "Kiss me, I'm Irish" apron he reserves for grilling.

"You read the apron," Niall tells her, grinning as he puckers his lip.

Gia shakes her head and leans up, pressing a kiss against his cheek.

Niall opens his eyes and pouts at her, about to protest for a real kiss. But Isabella grabs a fistful of his apron and distracts her parents with a squeal.

"No kissing with her around," Gia jokes, winking at Niall.

He sighs and looks down at his baby, shaking his head.

It's a bright sunny Los Angeles day and they're meeting up with Harry and Rhea for the first time in over a month for lunch. They'd been in London on and off for the release of Harry's fourth studio album and it felt like ages since they'd all gotten together.

"M'excited to see them," Niall tells Gia, checking his phone as he sinks into one of his outdoor chairs. They'd decided to stay home and have a quiet lunch instead of going out somewhere.

"Me too," Gia replies, grinning at Isabella when she coos around her pacifier. Her little hands are preoccupied with trying to grab Niall's silverware.

He pushes it aside and turns her in his arms, lifting her above his head. "What are ya doing you little rascal?" He lowers her enough to press his face against her tummy, blowing a raspberry against it through her dress. She squeals around her pacifier, her little legs kicking. He does it again, once, twice.

"Oh looks like they're here" Gia says when Niall's phone starts ringing. She stands up to go get the door.

Niall settles the baby in his lap again, pointing toward the house, "Where'd mumma go, huh?"

Rhea comes out of the house first, waving at them with a big smile. Harry is on her tail with Mira in his arms. As the family makes their way towards the backyard, Rhea slows down to tell her daughter something.

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