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26 weeks

Ultimately, Gia decides to stay with Niall.

While he can't help but be relieved by the fact, he wonders if she's doing it out of convenience rather than actually wanting to be with him. It's not like he'd ever let her go to her parents, not when they clearly would make her condition worse, but he's still not positive that she's coming home with him simply because she wants to.

She's under strict instructions from the doctor — bed rest, absolutely no stress, and a bottle full of antihypertensives to keep her blood pressure down. Dr. Patel very clearly instructed Niall on how to take care of her. The last thing they want is for her to go into premature labor with the baby's lungs so underdeveloped. The key is to keep Gia relaxed.

He's not sure he's up to the task, considering his track record, but Niall sure as hell is going to put up a fight. He never wants to feel as powerless as he did finding her in their bedroom, on the way to the hospital. Even if that means that Gia is going to hate him, he'll deal with the cold shoulder to take care of his girls.

She hasn't said much to him, not more than certain situations command her to, and especially not explicitly. Like when they came to do blood tests and she'd flinched at the sight of all the needles and tubes and Niall had effortlessly slipped his hand into hers, letting her squeeze tight. Or when her parents came around, which was more often than Niall expected them too, and he refused to leave her side — a silent, but supportive warrior next to her.

They're both there on the day she's supposed to check out from the hospital, walking alongside Niall as he pushes Gia in the wheelchair. Both of them are talking at her and as usual Gia seems to be listening but not absorbing anything they say. Occasionally, she replies, or hums in agreement to appease them — but as Niall has observed over the past few days, when it comes to her parents Gia tends to remain silent.

It makes him feel like complete shit for getting mad at her for not speaking to him. How can he expect her to speak up when nobody has ever given her the chance to do so?

"You will call us with updates," Gia's mother states as they all come to a stop in front of the sliding glass hospital doors. She adjusts her handbag and narrows her eyes at Niall, "And you will take care of our daughter."

Before Niall can affirm her request, Gia lets out a scoff. All three of them look down at her as she lets out a dry laugh. "I'm sorry," she says quietly, shaking her head. She presses her palm against her forehead, "You're telling him to take care of me as if you ever have."

"Gia," her father says sternly. "Don't talk to your mother like that."

"Baby, c'mon," Niall murmurs, putting his hand on her shoulder in warning. They're not even out of the hospital yet and she's not avoiding stress.

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