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Warning: This story contains content that revolves around pregnancy issues. Please read with caution! This chapter also contains smut, 18+ plus only please.

20 weeks

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20 weeks

These days, work doesn't end for Gia at her office.

She'll get back to Niall's and eat something, take a shower, sit with him for a bit until she has to pull her laptop out and do a couple of more tasks before really being able to call it a day. Normally, she doesn't mind and she can get through the last minute details quickly — but this Republic Records project is so important to her, she's careful about taking her time.

It would all be fine, really, if Niall hadn't been gone for the past 3 days.

He'd flown to London to film his music video for his upcoming single and record some pre-promo things as well — making it the first time they'd been apart for more than a day since they moved in together.

He's back home now, but she missed him more than she expected to and there's nothing that she wants more than some down time with him. Yet, here she is, perched on his couch with at least 15 browser tabs open on her laptop and a few stickie notes pressed to the corner of her screen.

Gia stifles a yawn as she switches to the tab that has the model of the event they'd been crafting. It's an immersive model, allowing her to walk through the event and see all the details as if she is actually experiencing it. For the most part, they'd determined a general color scheme, a tentative guest list, and some design elements. Before she moved onto the food and building the stage for the artists, she wanted to make sure all the big parts were taken care of.

She's so lost in the walk through that she doesn't notice Niall until he's brushing his fingers through her hair.

"Gia, darlin, your phone's been ringing off the hook," he murmurs when she tilts her head back to peer at him.

He's standing behind the couch, in nothing but a pair of athletic shorts and a white sleeveless undershirt, holding out her phone with a sleepy smile. He'd gone to the gym, taken a shower, and woken up when Gia got home, still tired from the flight home yesterday — even after all these years of traveling, there are days where it takes a toll on his body. With his hair all wild, his eyes bright blue, and the tuft of chest hair peeking out at the top of his undershirt, Gia isn't quite sure what to focus on first. That — and the fact that she's starkly reminded of the photos he sent her from the set of his music video. He looks exactly how he did in the sequence of pictures he sent her from the first scene of the music video. In fact, he looks even more sinfully handsome.

"My phone's right here," Gia manages finally, when he raises a curious brow at her from the lack of response. Those pinks lips of his tug up into a smirk when he catches her staring. She lifts her head off the couch and grabs her phone that's sitting next to her.

"Work phone, love," Niall explains, lowering the phone in front of her.

Right. Gia's still getting used to having two different phones. It had been Niall's idea, a few weeks ago he'd gotten annoyed that people were always calling her when she got home. He suggested a work phone and it seemed logical enough, she just had trouble remembering to grab them both.

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